Headlines — 2/13/20

White nationalists rebrand from “alt-right” to “groypers,” Matteo Salvini faces trial for kidnapping, Neo-Confederate attorney Harold Crews is accused of mishandling clients’ funds, and more.

Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights – From alt-right to groyper: White nationalists rebrand for 2020 and beyond.
The Intercept – How the Supreme Court could gut reproductive rights without ruling on a single abortion restriction.
New Republic – To dream of a Jewish president.
The Washington Post – Trump’s rhetoric has changed the way children are harassed and bullied in schools.
Raw Story – Pro-Trump publication claims end of apartheid was ‘betrayal’ of South Africa.
Media Matters – Inside the right-wing media campaign to rig the justice system in favor of Roger Stone and Donald Trump.
The Guardian – Matteo Salvini trial for kidnapping authorized by Italian senate.
Hatewatch – Neo-Confederate attorney accused of mishandling clients’ money promoted online trolling, harassment.