Random Headlines — 8/15/15

Rape advocate Roosh Valizadeh is targeting Canadian women online, a Kentucky clerk defies court ruling on issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, vandal of a New Orleans abortion clinic is charged with a hate crime, and more.

VICE – Rape advocate Roosh Valizadeh is targeting Canadian women in an online harassment campaign.
Pink News – Children help ISIS stone gay men to death.
The Daily Beast – ISIS leader raped American hostage Kayla Mueller.
Raw Story – Florida frat suspended after member caught on video saying ‘let’s rape some bitches.’
Talking Points Memo – Judge quotes Samuel Alito in ruling against Alabama abortion restriction.
The Nation – From New Orleans to Ferguson, a decade of asserting black lives matter.
The New York Times – Kentucky clerk defies court on marriage licenses for gay couples.
RH Reality Check – New Orleans abortion clinic vandal charged with a hate crime.
The Guardian – Uganda’s LGBT community celebrates Pride — discreetly.