Random Headlines — Too Busy And Stressed To Write A Post Edition

The Supreme Court strikes down Massachusetts’ abortion clinic buffer zones, Bryan Fischer says Harvey Milk stamp is akin to honoring Jeffrey Dahmer, inside A Voice for Men’s misogynistic conference, and more.

AlterNet – Supreme Court strikes down Massachusetts’ abortion clinic buffer zones.
Feministing – No, anti-choice protesters at abortion clinics aren’t just nice old grannies who want to chat with women.
New York Times – 10th Circuit Court of Appeals upholds a previous decision striking down Utah’s same-sex marriage ban.
Right Wing Watch – AFA’s Bryan Fischer compares the stamp commemorating Harvey Milk to honoring serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.
VICE – The evolution of a Men’s Rights Activist.
We Hunted the Mammoth – Molestation and misogyny at A Voice for Men’s conference.
Salon – Creepy, sexist Christian motivational speaker arrested for public intoxication.
The Raw Story – The Daily Show’s amazing take on campus sexual assault.
xoJane – My date with (and assault by) an MRA.