Debra Gilbert


Love German Shorgis, horse racing and the Padres.

San Diego
Inscrit en juin 2009


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  1. a retweeté
    il y a 20 heures
  2. a retweeté
    il y a 8 heures
  3. a retweeté

    Pavlov injury update: we’re resting him and limiting Pavlov’s activity to help control his inflammation 😔 Here is our king getting some rest while icing his legs. Send healthy vibes to our king pablob🥰

  4. a retweeté
    il y a 4 heures

    This is right where mom wants to stand as she gets ready. I’m here so she doesn’t forget how much she loves me.

  5. a retweeté
    il y a 3 heures

    Sorry, frens, no action shots today. took me to the V-E-T this morning and I got 3 big shots.

  6. a retweeté
    il y a 3 heures

    Haha, look at their faces while licking yogurt.

  7. a retweeté
    il y a 12 minutes

    And you end the day with a masterful sploot with a splash of side-eye.

  8. il y a 4 heures
  9. il y a 4 heures
  10. il y a 4 heures
  11. il y a 4 heures
  12. a retweeté
    7 mai

    Wondering who the pony is that is riding today at the ? Meet Sherman ⬇️

  13. il y a 6 heures
  14. il y a 6 heures
  15. il y a 7 heures
  16. a retweeté
    8 mai

    For all the experts who had negative comments about the post race coverage of the derby. The PROOF is in the photos. Greg Blasi is the best outriders and horseman in the county. This was a life or death moment.

  17. a retweeté
    8 mai

    How fast is Secretariat's derby time of 1:59.4, which is still the record 49 years later? Secretariat would have beaten today's winner Rich Strike by 13 lengths!

  18. a retweeté
    8 mai

    One of the most amazing sporting events I’ve seen in person. Have never felt 150K people collectively stunned (until now).

  19. a retweeté
    8 mai

    May be the best story of the Derby winner Rich Strike I have read. Ron Flatter did a great job showing everything just to make the race is just unbelievable

  20. a retweeté
    8 mai

    Spoke to a racing insider who doesn’t trust Trakus yesterday, but the saddlecloth sensors show Rich Strike ran 58 feet further than did runner-up Epicenter in the Kentucky Derby. Also, Rich Strike’s top speed of 44.2 mph was two miles faster than any other horse in the field.


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