Profit-making hospitals & insurance programs, no co-ordinated national response, nor monthly support for workers under lockdown is bringing doom to the U.S. & Biden offers scant hope.
Australian journalist Peter Cronau and (ret.) U.S. Col. Ann Wright discuss the recently released Australian government report on war crimes in Afghanistan and the history of impunity of U.S. war crimes.
An Iranian nuclear scientist’s assassination will bolster the hand of Iranian hardliners who don’t want a renewed nuclear deal with the incoming Biden administration, say Medea Benjamin & Ariel Gold.
In this abridged article published by the London Daily Mirror & based on his 1975 film, Smashing Kids, John Pilger describes class as Britain’s most virulent disease, causing record levels of child poverty.
The late Robert Parry, founder of this site, wrote 12 years ago that neoconservatives in Washington had a lot to be thankful for with the newly-elected Barack Obama.
Considering the think-tank imperialists in the bunch Biden is naming to direct U.S. foreign policy, Danny Sjursen expects little to change in the essence of the war-state.