Using my Imagination Irresponsibly
26 || US || She/her ||
Hey, this is my blog for my writing, fandom stuff, art, and all the weird jokes I can make. Here is MY BOOK. Beautiful icon by and insomniac raccoon by 3dna5cissorhands

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  • insomniac-arrest

    people always talk about how the masses used to watch gladiator fights or public executions for fun, but we rarely discuss how people also went to human medical surgery’s for sport and entertainment, just showed up in a big tent and watched official operations, sometimes a flutist played music in the corner for it

    like, “I’m not not dying of some random disease or having to work a 50 hour work day today, better go watch some dude get his leg sawed off in a science tent.”

    what I’m saying is that it’s good we invented tv 

  • insomniac-arrest

    me, about to have my appendix removed in Victorian England:


    random citizens there:


    the bard:

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