“Nothing to see here, move along folks

Nothing to see here, move along folks

“Ey lmao I’m kinda scared of posting this because I did not have a good experience last time I posted it but I worked for fucking hours on this and Jack is one of my favorite OCs so hopefully no one is gonna be a bully

Ey lmao I’m kinda scared of posting this because I did not have a good experience last time I posted it but I worked for fucking hours on this and Jack is one of my favorite OCs so hopefully no one is gonna be a bully 

How to make a pumpkin head

Since I defs didn’t want to carve a real pumpkin to put on my head and get nasts pumpkin insides all over my hair I decided to paper mache one. Unfortunately there was no good tutorials anywhere so I will share my trial and error knowledge.

First I got some supplies: 1 Punch balloon (they’re rounder and larger they regular balloons), some paper mache stuff in a bag, cardboard, a glue gun, paint, sculpey clay, tape, some news paper and some water and flour mixed together.

Decided to try and make a pumpkin head again for Halloween since I failed last year.

I then put at least three - five paper mache layers of newspaper with flour water on the balloon. I also measured my head and left an opening at the bottom. (NOTE: Don’t put tape on the balloon and try to peel it off after you’re done paper macheing, RIP)

Okay. So far so good, gonna try that paper mixture stuff I bought and somehow sculpt this to look more like a pumpkin.

After that’s all dry I put glue gunned some cardboard onto it to give it some pumpkin like ridges.


Then I filled the gaps between the cardboard and the newspaper with the paper mache in a bag stuff. Wait for it to dry. (Note: Don’t pop balloon until the paper mache in a bag stuff is dry cause it holds a LOT of water and your paper mache project will sink, RIP) After that I popped the balloon and lightly dampened the top with a sponge and water until it was wet enough to slowly press down into more of a pumpkin shape.


After it’s all dry I taped a stem I made out of card board on the top and put another layer or two of newspaper mache over top.


More drying wait time (you can use your oven on the lowest setting to make it dry faster) then I sanded it down and cut out a face with an exacto blade.


I added a little bit of backing behind the face on the inside with the paper mache in a bag to give it more of a 3D look which wasn’t that noticeable but oh well, it kidna worked… After all that stuffs done I painted it all white otherwise the newsprint would bleed through and make my colours not as bright, I also added some sculpey clay to the brow area to give it some more emotion in which I used an iron to dry it with cause it was too late to put it in the oven with paint all over it (Note: Put clay on before painting).

All ready to painttt.

I sprayed it with a sealer before painting colours on it cause I find acrylics do weird things sometimes. After it was all dry I begin to paint.


I also painted the inside a red and added a kinda head rest thing on the inside since when I pushed the top down it made an uncomfortable point at the top when putting it on your head. Then once it was all dry I sprayed it with some more sealer, added some cool stuff like stitches with some ribbon and blood which I used nail polish for a shiny effect and put in some lights which weren’t very effective when my head was in the pumpkin but that’s okay, it still looked cool.


And that’s that!


Hope this helps some people, Enjoy!

I read the title as ‘How to Make Pumpkin Bread’, and was confused the whole way down wondering when this would get to the bread part


I honestly believe the whole “adults require less sleep” thing is honest to god probably a myth created by capitalism

It is.

i honestly believe that sleep deprivation is the biggest ignored/neglected root cause of health dangers that prematurely kill adults

ask me sometime about the role of sleep in the leptin ghrelin cycle and how its interruption destabilizes weight homeostasis

or about the new research showing that heart disease is not caused by fat, like we thought for years, but by inflammation in the circulatory system whose root cause is unknown but one of the prime suspects is, you guessed it, sleep deprivation

but nobody wants to hear that lack of sleep is killing people. employers don’t want to hear it. and god knows that having sold their waking hours to capitalism to survive workers don’t want to lose the only time they have left to them to live their lives, mostly stolen from sleep

i mean even i don’t want to do anything about it and i love  sleep, i just love overwatch more

this this this this this

our society places almost zero value on sleep

on enough sleep

on uninterrupted sleep

on regular, predictable, cycling sleep

all the evidence we have suggests sleep is really, really, really important to the processes of the human body, including both mental and physical health, and yet when was the last time you heard somebody suggest that people had a *right* to sufficient, regular sleep?

Reminder that 

- Humans are not meant to sleep for extended periods of uninterrupted sleep. 

By this I don’t mean “humans shouldn’t have 8+ hours of sleep a night”; I mean that we are supposed to sleep for four to five hours (ish), then get up and do something relaxing like reading for a half hour to an hour, then get another bout of four to five hours. This is what our bodies were designed for. 

Sleeping the whole night through was a fad started with the advent of the lightbulb. Sleeping the whole night through is so recent (and artificial) that First Sleep and Second Sleep are mentioned in Dickens’ novels.

- Lack of sleep for even a single night severely compromises your immune system.

If you’re planning on getting little sleep or pulling an all-nighter, make sure to eat lots of fruit and veggies/take vitamins that day. Or even better, get yourself some bee propolis. It’s a natural remedy used for thousands of years in Latin America and is insanely good for boosting up compromised immune systems (if you get the drop kind, put 3 to 4 drops in a spoonful of honey and mix well with a 2nd spoon to mask the strong taste). It has no side effects and is all but impossible to overdose on.

- According to several government bodies around the world, chronic lack of sleep is literally tied for 1st place as the worst kind of torture (the other is solitary isolation)

- Expecting a teen to get up for 8:30 classes is the equivalent of expecting an adult to be at work at 4 am.

After babies, teens are the age group that needs the most amount of sleep. Puberty is exhausting, and the body needs time to recharge. Ideally, a teen should be getting between 10 to 12 hours of sleep at the bare minimum. Most teens are lucky if they manage to get 8. And that’s a gigantic problem; not only does lack of sleep affect mood (which is extra significant when your hormones are already riding a rollercoaster to begin with), but also has massive effects on growth, which is kinda what the whole puberty thing is supposed to be about.

- According to research “starting work before 10 a.m. is tantamount to torture and is making staff sick and stressed”

- Humans were not designed to have the same sleep cycle across the species. Much the opposite in fact.

Night owls and morning people are an actual thing. Because we’re pack creatures, Nature came up with a clever way for our ancestors to always have someone on the lookout for predators and threats: make people naturally alert at varying times so that there’s always someone alert to keep watch. 

Forcing night owls to follow morning people’s sleep cycle means night owls live with what researchers have referred to as “permanent jetlag”.

“Adults need less sleep” means “adults need 8-9 hours and teens need 10-12,” not “adults need 6 and teens need 7-8.” 


not-so-friendly reminder to unfollow me if:

  • u think autism is a disease or illness
  • u think autism needs to be “cured”
  • u support Autism Speaks or organizations like it
  • u “feel bad” for ppl with autism and their families
  • u think autistic children are a burden to their parents/guardians 
  • u don’t believe in getting children vaccinated because vaccines “cause autism”

allistic people reblogging this makes me happy

• You use autistic as an insult

  • You use the r slur

  • You call people “sped”
  • You make “reeee” jokes

*kisses your Forehead gently* horse..

but honestly I find it so fascinating when cringe blogs like that have the whole "but don't harass anyone :(" shit going on because.... being made fun of behind your back isn't that much better than being made fun of to your face

in fact what these blogs do isn't even the equivalent of a small friend group whispering behind your back, making sure you don't know about it - cringe blogs like that one and mogai watch are the equivalent of taping a picture of someone on the school's announcement board and letting people add little messages on notes on how much they hate that person and how stupid, fat, and ugly they think the person is

maybe it's a big school - but word travels fast, it's incredible how fast shit like that spreads, people from other school start hearing about it, people start sending that person similar notes like on the board, sticking them on their locker, their back, their dorm room door.

how much value does your "but don't harass/bully anyone" actually have when you yourself are opening up a conversation to talk about how cringy and lame someone is?

it has absolutely no value, every single message of anon hate, death threats, and the like fall on your shoulders because you are the instigator - you can say how you didn't mean to set the school on fire all you want but you threw the lit cigarette into the classroom's trash bin without thinking twice, knowing the school is primarily made of wood and flammable.

You cannot control the flames but you are responsible for them -- hypocrites, the bunch of you

This is actually so much worse than direct hate because once you find out about it you can never really enjoy anything again. You're constantly wondering if someone is making fun of you, if you're being cringy for hating something, if people secretly hate you.


exactly, like you might think that talking about someone behind their back is "respectful" because they don't know they're being mocked but the thing is... they will inevitably find out from someone else - which is one of the worst feelings possible. all these people have been mocking you, laughing at you for gods know why, and you had no idea. And now suddenly you're aware that it's happening and it's torturous.

People will always find out if you're publicly mocking them - this is not a private website, you're not in a private groupchat - your secrecy is worth shit and your respect is worth shit.

The extradition bill is being scrapped! The Hong Kong protesters did it!

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