I’m queer, and I’m confused. Bitch


hey so there are quite a few people following me and I realized I don’t have anything like outlining my beliefs/morals so I just wanna say this quick because I don’t want to make anyone feel invalidated or anything and want y'all to know what’s up

this is a safe space for:

all LGBTQ+ people (including but definitely not limited to all ace people, nonbinary people, trans people, etc. ,, literally all LGBTQ+ people are valid)

all people of color

Black people


mentally ill people

autistic people

Muslim people

Jewish people

disabled people

people with trauma

people questioning their identity

victims of abuse/violence

people from every country on earth

people from all religions

all neurodivergent people

in summation:

black lives matter

pro choice


fuck tr*mp

all queer people are valid

vaccines save lives and so do masks

bootlickers, r*pists, pedophiles, racists, xenophobes, bigots, terfs, sexists, republicans DO NOT INTERACT



the holding of fragile things in strong hands

[ID: a badger illustrated against blue milkweed and green bramble. it holds a chrysalis - to its left a caterpillar climbs one of the brambles, to its right is a newly emerged butterfly, and above it is an adult monarch butterfly, wings spread out. The placement of the butterflies follows a life cycle surrounding the badger. End.]




i’ve seen multiple gifsets now cut off with a “view post” button under the first two gifs instead of showing the whole set….

this is not good news for gifmakers.

oh shit it’s not even just gifsets! i just saw a regular medium length post with screenshots and memes, literally no gifs and it was under a “view post” link…

alright y’all. it’s a new setting you’ll have to turn off if you don’t want to have to click to see posts all the time




Hello tumblr, I am Vox. I am a Filipino Citizen in fear for my country and what is to come to it. I am compiling as much information as I can in case the worse comes to worst. This is to ensure that you people, those in other countries, know the hardships we could face if the Marcoses successfully rig the elections. My goal is to ensure that as most media possible be translated in English as well as bring information from both official news outlets as well as Twitter and those who volunteered to help our country from these despots.

So, what is happening in the Philippines?

On May 9, 2022, it was Election day. From 6AM to 7PM, eligible voters were to go to a precinct to vote. Among 110M people, 65.7M people were legible voters. However, the process took longer because of the malfunctioning vote-counting machines causing to crowd the area and fuelling anxiety about the pandemic. Many were urged to leave and come back later, or cast their votes now to have poll watchers put the vote in for them. Around 2,000 VCM broke down by 10AM. 

Why is everyone fearing for their lives?

Bongbong Marcos, currently in the lead in all public polls, is most notably the son of the ousted Dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos; the man who declared martial law, the darkest period in recent Philippine history. It was a move to silence the people speaking against him and torture or sexually assault them. Everyone who spoke against him would receive such punishment or even death— be it through journalism or through rallies.

Why be scared? This man isn’t his father, he could be different. Well, we really hope so if that is the case but it doesn’t seem it. BBM does not believe the truths about his family violating human rights as well as gaining the wealth he is benefitting from both in and out of the country. He refuses to acknowledge the crimes his family has committed and is trying to worm out of his current debts as well by waiving it off as soon as he becomes president. He also claims to have graduated from Oxford in BA Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, and he has no records of graduating but does own a ‘Special Degree’ that claims he has. Not to mention he skips all Presidential Debates that aren’t run by the Commission of Elections (COMELEC), but even then his attendance is spotty at most.

Well, this man is leading in the partial/unnofficial tally of COMELEC. As of May 10, 2022 8:02PM(GMT+8), BBM has ~31M votes, more than twice than the runner up, Vice President Leni Robredo, at ~15M votes. Though there have been data analysts who show that there is a consistent trend within each update, showing that the ratio between their votes seem to always be 68:32.

To be frank; it’s rigged. It’s fucking rigged. These are still the unofficial results, and there is a volunteer group called the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible voting (PPCRV), a non-profit organization who is affiliated with the roman catholic church, who are MANUALLY counting each and every vote for the ballot. Need I remind 65.7M people are legible voters. I pray that they are safe right now and if anyone is near any of their locations, I recommend sending help or resources if you are able to. Here is their website. There are still no solid updates from the PPCRV as of 9PM 05/10/2022 and we will refuse to say anything until we are 100% certain about the results.

There are already numerous people trying to anticipate the media ban and are already compiling as much data as they can, including myself. This is a link to all the Marcoses’ Martial Law Documents. Here is another link to a Library containing details about Martial Law as well.

Martial Law cannot happen again. Even the children who never even got a taste of the trauma that our relatives, our aunts, uncles, grandparents, or anyone who lived through those- we still have a taste of it in our habits. During Martial Law, it became a habit to bid someone “Ingat” [Stay safe] before they would leave their home. It has been 36 years since he has been ousted; so many people my age, so many people younger than I still say it.

We claim Never Again, but here we are. It is up to you guys to let our voice be heard when we have no more chance to.

Ingat po.

EDIT: 05/10/22 9:43PM: You can see how to donate to PPCRV to pay for their food. With them working 9AM-12AM, with 300 volunteers, they need at least 1000 meals. Look here for more Info. UPDATE: 10PM: Too much food for tonight. Please contact them first before donating perishable goods.

Ridiculous yet effective ways to deal with Executive Dysfunction





Dealing with executive dysfunction and ADHD becomes so much easier when you stop trying to do things the way you feel like you should be able to do them (like everyone else) and start finding ways that actually work for you, no matter how “silly” or “unnecessary” they seem.

For years my floor was constantly covered in laundry. Clean laundry got mixed in with dirty and I had to wash things twice, just making more work for myself. Now I just have 3 laundry bins: dirty (wash it later), clean (put it away later), and mystery (figure it out later). Sure, theoretically I could sort my clothes into dirty or clean as soon as I take them off and put them away straight out of the dryer, but realistically that’s never going to be a sustainable strategy for me.

How many garbage bins do you need in a bedroom? One? WRONG! The correct answer is one within arms reach at all times. Which for me is three. Because am I really going to get up to blow my nose when I’m hyperfocusing? NO. In allergy season I even have an empty kleenex box for “used tissues I can use again.” Kinda gross? Yeah. But less gross than a snowy winter landscape of dusty germs on my desk.

I used to be late all the time because I couldn’t find my house key. But it costs $2.50 and 3 minutes to copy a key, so now there’s one in my backpack, my purse, my gym bag, my wallet, my desk, and hanging on my door. Problem solved.

I’m like a ninja for getting pout the door past reminder notes without noticing. If I really don’t want to forget something, I make a physical barrier in front of my door. A sticky note is a lot easier to walk past than a two foot high cardboard box with my wallet on top of it.

Executive dysfunction is always going to cause challenges, but often half the struggle is trying to cope by pretending not to have executive dysfunction, instead of finding actual solutions.

i left cabinet doors open all my life and couldn’t make myself stop leaving them open until i figured out my subconscious just wants to know where everything is at a glance. i put labels on each cabinet door for what was behind the cabinet and after that i was a lot better at closing them. 

showers are hard for me because they involve a lot of steps to get in and out. buying cleaning hand wipes helps me stay a lot cleaner and happier when i’m too tired or distracted to make myself be a normal person– they’re faster and involve way less prep time, decision making, and unpleasant physical sensations. 

i have disordered eating because, again, getting food is complicated, much less cooking anything. buying 10-12$ of cliff bars at a go and keeping them in my room by my bed gives me a headstart on breakfast and lets me take my meds on time. otherwise i would lie in bed, not taking my meds because i had to eat, and not eating because i was too tired and nauseous from being hungry to get out of bed.  

‘just try harder’ is not a solution. figuring out the actual problem and addressing it is the solution.

’normal’ isn’t the goal. you can’t be normal. it’s too late, but you know what, fuck normal. trying to be normal is going to kill you. ‘functional’ is the goal, and you can be functional. you can kick ass at functional. and that’s a lot better. 

When I talk about how there is no universal system for Keeping Your Shit Together, and how it’s more important to find a system that works for you, this is exactly the kind of thing I mean. 

My keys hang on the door so I literally can’t leave my apartment without touching them. My socks kept getting everywhere when I kept them with my other clothes, so instead I now keep them in a little hutch in the kitchen, where I keep all my shoes. All my silverware is in jars on my kitchen island so I can see clearly when I am out of forks. When I didn’t want to put on my socks to go running, I bought running shoes that didn’t require socks. There are people who would find all of the above unworkable and/or appalling but they don’t have to live my life and I do. 

Find what works for you and work it. Doesn’t matter if it’s weird or unusual or not as healthy as some weird ideal which is probably just a marketing tool anyway. If it works, work it. 

’normal’ isn’t the goal. you can’t be normal. it’s too late, but you know what, fuck normal. trying to be normal is going to kill you. ‘functional’ is the goal, and you can be functional. you can kick ass at functional. and that’s a lot better.

Reblogging for this bit. It’s okay to be functional.