Tha Caomhainn Gèidh

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

there is no physical disability, no chronic illness, no injury, no deformity, no terminal illness, no prognosis, no bodily condition that makes someone inherently unlovable. love is much more complex and powerful than that. friendship, romance, sex - - love is more complicated than anything your body is or will be. it can be wonderful and scary, how many people are out there ready to accept you for who you are in this massive world

to love you and your medicine, oxygen tank, prosthetic, wheelchair, cane, walker, brace, cast, appointments, IV, pacemaker, colostomy bag

your flare ups, your pain, your surgeries, your joy

one condition, one dozen conditions, invisible, visible, common, rare

at your lowest, at your most isolated, at your most unsexy

you are still there, and you are still here, in a world of so many unpredictable people, unpredictable emotions, unpredictable encounters, and unpredictable relationships just waiting to become part of your life, just as you are


Johnathan Harker: Oh my God, I am a prisoner in this wretched castle! Nothing but prey for that bewildering Dracula fellow! There is no hope for me but to pray I arise no suspicion in Dracula so I may delay the inevitable.

Dracula, washing Johnathan’s dishes: This is going great. I’m gonna get a good grade in being human, which is both normal to want and possible to achieve.


full offense but the increase in cop shows in recent years being concurrent with the more widespread condemnation of the police is not a fucking coincidence


Some history, cop shows exist to make the public like cops.


Remember when I said this and people where mad because I would kiss the ground B99 walked on?


  • Original detective stories of Sherlock Holmes: depict police as stiff and lacking imagination
  • Later developments from early 20th century (Agatha Christie and such): similarly, police is stupid and easily tricked by criminals, and smart amateurs have to save the day
  • around 1930s ‘hardboiled’ and noir fiction: police are every bit and corrupt and detestable as criminals, and sometimes ARE the gangsters. These are almost entirely realistic, as they’re often written from actual experiences of real private detectives
  • 1940s, vigilante detective fiction like Batman and the Shadow: where as always, police is portrayed as at worst corrupt and at best useless, and it’s up to brilliant people in masks to solve crimes
  • 1950s: SUDDENLY with Dragnet, police are all brilliant crimefighter heroes who solve all the crimes, and are Always Lawful Good, and criminals are Always Chaotic Evil
  • onwards: 80-90% of detective fiction is about cops, and usually follows the Dragnet formula (e.g. stuff like CSI)

Thesis: police procedural is a predatory creation that has co-opted the notoriously anti-cop genre of detective fiction, whose primary starting idea was that cops were little more than thugish brutes, unsuited to subtle scientific art of solving crimes, and turned it into shallow propaganda.

Thesis point 2: Scooby Doo are the only unproblematic modern detective stories.


B99 was queer and racially diverse specifically to appeal to the audience who has most reason to be anti-cop. Because cops target us. It was designed to bring us in and indoctrinate us when that image of cops. They could have made an equally queer and racially diverse show that’s not about cops. They didn’t. And such shows when they do get made don’t run as long even when they are wildly popular, because they do not fit the agenda of the people with power.


Most recent comment overstates the case imo

B99 was not designed to do any of that. It was designed simply to be a funny sitcom. In later seasons they even tried to deconstruct the copaganda. All that failed because they lacked a radical political lens allowing them to see the full systemic nature of the problem (and even if they had, they’d never have been able to broadcast an anticop version) and so the system was able to co-opt their message, and mitigate any attempts at anticop messaging by first presenting the problem as a few bad individuals, and later as one that is solvable by the actions of a few good individuals


Anti-revenge narrative this, anti-revenge narrative that, I personally think that Inigo Montoya had the right idea when he stabbed Count Rugen in the gut and said "I want my father back, you son of a bitch"


A lot of revenge arcs end with the hero saying "there's nothing you can do to bring my loved one back, so me seeking revenge is pointless." The Princess Bride's revenge arc ends with Inigo Montoya saying "there's nothing you can do to bring my loved one back, so there's nothing that can save you."



Oh yeah this the ONE!!


I make $18/hr and yes. It's poverty wages.

"But like... that's like so much more money than I make. Stop complaining."


I won't stop complaining.

Just because your poverty wages are worse than my poverty wages doesn't mean that I don't have the right to be mad about my poverty wages. In many parts of the country you can't even afford an apartment at $20/hr. Including where I live.

Not to mention the cost of medication for my disabled ass. Every wage looks a hell of a lot different if you have to spend hundreds to thousands a month on your life saving medication.

Minimum wage should be $30/hr. Period.



Minimum wage should scale with the cost of living for an area actually. In places where the cost of living is astronomical, even $30 an hour wouldn't cut it. In San Francisco, a true living wage would be closer to $70 an hour. It would be a major incentive to regulate prices on damn near everything, but housing especially, because companies definitely don't want to shell out that much in wages.


[ID: a tweet from @1anjohn that says: $15 an hour is poverty and I think we need to say that loudly because right now companies use it as a badge of honor]