“everyone’s undefeated until they aren’t.”

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Unwhitewash TBB has been trying to do coordinated tweet storms/tag floods for a while now, and while I've been hesitant about broadcasting the dates for fear of racist fan backlash, I want to try and garner as much support as possible.

We're going to do a tweet storm for next week's episode on Friday, July 16, starting at 9 AM EDT.


(other dates for new releases, along with time conversions)

If you have literally anything to say about The Bad Batch--the racism, the sinophobia, the antisemitism, I encourage you to spread the word about it and post in the #UnwhitewashTBB tag on Twitter, and that same tag on here (with or without a space, both are viable tags). If you need or want, you can link the carrd. I encourage everyone to read the carrd in my pinned post on here (if I link it now this post will not show up in the search).

Our goal is to get as many posts as possible on both here and Twitter. We would really appreciate your help!


okay people who have been fighting to unwhitewash the clones, now is your time to help māori!!


What’s happening

- 182.41 hectares of our ancestral land in Wairarapa has come up for sale.

- This whenua backs onto our maunga Tararua, our awa, Waiohine and is near our whānau urupā, Te Uru o Tāneroa.

- The tender price is between $1.2-1.5 million.

- Our whānau are trying to raise money to meet the tender price.

- Our iwi has not settled, so we have no collective financial base.

- Our whānau want to buy back our whenua and establish papakāinga and sustainable business to bring our people home to Wairarapa.

If the tender is unsuccessful they will keep all donations for the next bit of land that comes up

(information has been copied from @/amscraig on twitter, who is a member of the iwi attempting to reclaim their land)

it is so disappointing that this is the only option to reclaim illegally stolen land for the iwi, but the government wont work towards settlement with many iwi so we have no other choice

if you have any money avaliable to donate please do, anything would be appreciated!