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Meet Mars! My online persona. A goofball blue glob that likes to play pranks, sleep and eat. He enjoys taking on the figure of a Hyena due to them being seen as giggly.
He likes shiny stuff and keeps a hoard of old junk and antiques. Enjoys spending...
Meet Mars! My online persona. A goofball blue glob that likes to play pranks, sleep and eat. He enjoys taking on the figure of a Hyena due to them being seen as giggly.
He likes shiny stuff and keeps a hoard of old junk and antiques. Enjoys spending...

Meet Mars! My online persona. A goofball blue glob that likes to play pranks, sleep and eat. He enjoys taking on the figure of a Hyena due to them being seen as giggly.

He likes shiny stuff and keeps a hoard of old junk and antiques. Enjoys spending time with his brother, mostly to annoy him. If he’s not doing that he can be found stuffing his face and playing video games.

Don’t let the chomper’s fool ya, he’s a sweetheart who just likes to look nasty. Plus he eats only veggies! He doesn’t like hurting other lifeforms, so he enjoys cookin’ up new recipes. He has a sweet tooth however luckily there is plenty of plant based snacks, careful though, he will slobber on his snack pile to dissuade others from grabbing some….yuck…

He comes from Mars, no one knows where or why he came to Earth, but founded by his best friend, now brother, he feels like he has a home. He enjoys learning new things but he usually winds up in trouble…

He can change back to hi goopy form, especially to help get out of danger or just to change into something that is useful.

Art tag is MarzMello













she’s beauty she’s grace she’s in love with aliens and space

she’s gorgeous, she’s seductive; she wants to be abducted

she’s intelligent - she’s priceless, she’s having an extraterrestrial crisis

she’s brilliant, she’s wise; she’s an alien in disguise

She’s mischievous and smart, that alien has my heart

She’s wild, she’s free, she’s the only alien for me

She’s the moon, she’s the stars, all she wants is to live on Mars

She’s bold, she’s hip, she wants to ride in a rocket ship

She’s cool, she’s hot, she’s a genuine, bonafide astronaut

She’s near, she’s far, she shines brighter than the stars

she’s here, she’s there, she’s a galactic extraordinaire

she’s smart, she’s kind, she’s the alien on my mind

She is nice she is nuclear she is more colourful than Jupiter.

Anonymous asked
why do you exclusively draw poc. youre white
holo-tape replied

I dont want to discount what youre saying, but i do draw very few characters, and those are the ones I post. I agree that it really does look that way looking at the content of what i post and i apologise for that. And it “looking that way” honestly isnt to say “oh you dont know the full picture of what i draw” because the full picture as far as it affects others is what i post if that makes sense. I hope this response is ok, if its not you can talk to me further about it.

Listen anon, that’s like saying if someone was white they couldn’t draw Miles Morales (a poc super hero for those who do not know), yet look up his creators, both white.

Keep drawing whoever you wanna draw, you are drawing them respectively and accurate, not in a make fun of or offensive manner and your art is amazing hun. Don’t listen to egg heads like this person.

Smh since when did people need race cards to draw characters outside their race.


Are you taking commissions?

Not yet, I will open them soon, depends on my situation.

What can I ask you?

Feel free to ask me anything! I enjoy chatting during down time and drawing answers. Do note, any trolling/bullying will be ignored. I ask ya keep things SFW please.

Do you take commissions?

Shoot me an ask first and I will see if I can slot in a commission. Note I take commissions via FA/Twitter and this is a 'for fun' blog. So I may not have free time but I will let you know!

My name is Mars, I enjoy drawing and playing video games. Currently fitting these in while getting ready for the Navy! In the meantime I just wanna chill and share my art and interact with some old pals again. I enjoy chatting in general, so feel free to drop me a line!

  • 7+ years of doing art, 100% self taught!
  • Has a dorky husband, you'll see art of him from time to time.
  • Geeks out way too much about robots

I enjoy Sci-Fi a lot, ones with space, robots and androids are my weakness. I love getting out and going for long walks, jogging, eating FROOT and veggies...but fruit is better. I love animals! Not just the onespeople find cute, I actually love reptiles the best, mostly because their behavior. Sharks are my favorite animals, especially Great Whites, they are really smart! Hyenas come next, I love how social they are and how goofy they can be. I study animals during free time, mostly because I enjoy learning new things, like how the Jumping Spider is the smartest spider! They even eat other spiders! If ya ever want some random animal facts hit me up, zoology is one of my favorite subjects.

I also talk about space way too much... Also I am excited to get into the Navy cause I also love the ocean and hope I will be able to get a neat MOS

If youever wanna RP or just wanna shoot me an ask for a drawn response hit me up! I will try my best to respond asap!