Raju Bista인증된 계정


MP Darjeeling (LS), National Spokesperson , National General Secretary , In-charge UP & Manipur BJYM

가입일: 2018년 3월
생일: 1월 03일


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  1. 메인 트윗
    2021년 9월 26일

    My article outlines how Hon'ble , Ji is transforming India, North-East is once again placed at the forefront of India's development priorities.

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  2. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    19시간 전

    SSC / SLST/TET-সহ সকল চাকরির পরীক্ষা দুর্নীতিতে দোষীদের শাস্তি এবং চাকরি প্রার্থীদের নিয়োগীকরণের দাবীতে ভারতীয় জনতা যুব মোর্চার ডাকে "বিকাশ ভবন চলো" । ২৬ শে এপ্রিল, ২০২২ সময়: দুপুর ২টো স্থান-করুণাময়ী,কলকাতা

  3. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6시간 전

    গতকাল, ICSI এর শিলিগুড়ির সেক্রেটারিয়াল স্টেন্ডার্ট বোর্ডের দ্বারা আয়োজিত এক সাধারণ চর্চা ও আর্থিক পরিকল্পনাজনিত অনুষ্ঠানে প্রধান অতিথী হিসেবে আমন্ত্রিত হয়ে আমি গর্বিত অনুভব করছি পাশাপাশি তাদের সকল ধরণের ভবিষ্যৎ সাফল্যের প্রতি আমি আশাবাদী ।

  4. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    15시간 전

    Please follow the handle created by Ministry of Home Affairs to create awareness about controlling cyber crime.

  5. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    15시간 전

    Attended the inaugural session of earlier this evening.

  6. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 24일

    जिस प्रकार लता दीदी जन-जन की थीं, उसी प्रकार ये पुरस्कार भी जन-जन का है: प्रधानमंत्री श्री जी

  7. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    21시간 전

    Had a memorable visit to Jammu and Kashmir in which I was able to interact with those at the forefront of Panchayats across India. Here are highlights from yesterday.

  8. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 25일

    ‘भारत की एकता का मुख्य आधार है एक संस्कृति, जिसका उत्साह कभी नहीं टूटा। यही इसकी विशेषता है।’ -महामना पंडित मदन मोहन मालवीय

  9. 4월 25일

    In a state where the CM herself tries her best to cover for rapists belonging to TMC by feigning various excuses,wht hope is there for justice for our daughters? I share my deepest condolences to the family members. I can't even begin to think wht they all must be going through.

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  10. 4월 25일

    After the initial rape attempt by one of the individuals the family registered a case with the local police station, yet the rapists were allowed to walk free, as alleged by the father of the victim, in conivience with the local TMC leaders.

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  11. 4월 25일

    Devastated to learn about this heinous crime from Baganbari under Mainaguri in Jalpaiguri,where a 14-yr-old tribal child chose to douse herself in flames to escape her rapists. She struggled for her life for 12 days in NBMCH, bt tragically she is no more.

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  12. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 24일

    जिस तरह लता दीदी जन-जन की थीं, उसी तरह उनके नाम से मुझे दिया गया यह पुरस्कार भी जन-जन का है। मैं इसे सभी देशवासियों को समर्पित करता हूं।

  13. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 24일

    पूरा विश्व लता दीदी को सुर साम्राज्ञी मानता था, लेकिन वे स्वयं को साधिका मानती थीं। संगीत की साधना और ईश्वर की साधना उनके लिए एक थी।

  14. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 24일

    आज देश जिस ‘एक भारत, श्रेष्ठ भारत’ के आत्मविश्वास के साथ आगे बढ़ रहा है, लता दीदी उसकी मधुर प्रस्तुति की तरह थीं।

  15. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 24일

    Some glimpses from today’s programme in Mumbai.

  16. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 24일

    Pained by the passing away of noted writer Binapani Mohanty Ji. She made monumental contributions to Odia literature, especially fiction writing. Her works have been translated in various languages and attained great popularity. Condolences to her family and admirers. Om Shanti.

  17. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 24일

    देश के लिए मंगेशकर परिवार के योगदान को भी अमृत महोत्सव में हम जन-जन तक लेकर जाएं, ये हमारा कर्तव्य है।

  18. 4월 24일

    I congratulate and thank the people of Guwahati for their overwhelming support to . Under the leadership of Hon' ji and Hon' ji Assam is set to become one of the the best governed state in India.

  19. 4월 24일

    No Panchayat elections have been held in the hill regions of Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts since 2001 which had paralyzed our rural infrastructure and governance systems. (4/4) | |

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  20. 4월 24일

    Sadly, due to the continued negligence of the West Bengal Govt, our people of Darjeeling and Kalimpong region are deprived of these critical institutions of governance. (3/4) | |

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  21. 4월 24일

    Our Panchayati institutions foster a spirit of true democracy wherein people participate to further the collective development of our nation. (2/4)

    , 님, 님 외 7명
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