Alok Kumar  Hitelesített felhasználó


Adviser NITI Aayog. RT not endorsement. Tweets reflect personal views.

New Delhi, India
Csatlakozott 2014. április


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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    jún. 14.

    India’s first mobile I- lab flagged off from . Built in 8 days flat, it is an on the wheel Bio Safety Level-2 Lab with on site Elisa, RtPCR & Bio-chem analysers. Can be readily deployed in the remotest locations. Kudos to Team !

    Infectious Diseases Diagnostics Lab
    RT-PCR Analyzer
    , , és 3 másik felhasználó
  2. okt. 3.

    A distinct and consistent declining trend is discernible in the number of positive cases in major urban centres across UP over the past few days. But we need to be careful to ensure that this trend persists.

    , , és 5 másik felhasználó
    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  3. okt. 3.

    A comparison of outcomes of response with that of other States Cases per million : UP (1774) India (4676) Deaths per million : UP(26) India (73) With limited health infrastructure, this is creditable Graphs courtesy

    , , és 2 másik felhasználó
  4. okt. 2.

    is an opportunity to pause, reflect and rededicate ourselves to build a nation that is just, humane & compassionate. Here's a video of top world leaders paying there tributes to the via

  5. szept. 30.

    On a day when crosses the milestone of 10 million cumulative tests, we also see a significant declining trend in infection and mortality numbers in the State. A salute to all the who made this happen. YES we CAN !!

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  6. szept. 24.

    Researchers suggest that wearing face masks is akin to vaccination , giving people immunity from . Please wear mask at all time.

  7. szept. 19.

    Reviewed response of District Kanpur Nagar with Commissioner and other officials. Heartening to see a steady decline in Case Fatality Rates, testing positivity rates due to significant ramping up of testing. Improving contact tracing and death audits needed

    , , és 2 másik felhasználó
  8. szept. 19.

    ₹1.4 lakh crore - economic benefit of fighting malnutrition in . 3 critical success factors : 1. Use of data to measure impact. 2. Locating nodes for improvement 3. Identifying policy interventions to driving change

  9. retweetelte
    szept. 17.

    In 1665 Cambridge University closed because of plague. Isaac Newton retreated to rural Lincolnshire. During his 2 years in lockdown he worked out calculus, the true meaning of colour, gravitation, planetary orbits & the 3 Laws of Motion. Will 2020 be someone’s Annus Mirabilis?

  10. retweetelte
    szept. 16.

    1) Bihar peaked (a month back). 2) Impressive testing record with TPR = 3.16% 3) Death rate = 0.5% (all-India = 1.6%)

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  11. retweetelte
    szept. 13.

    Don’t wait for “Day 12.” If you have any symptoms get the COVID testing done. Life is precious.💓

  12. retweetelte
    2018. szept. 1.

    कैसे आकाश में सूराख़ हो नहीं सकता  एक पत्थर तो तबीयत से उछालो यारो । लोकप्रिय कवि के जन्म दिवस पर भावपूर्ण नमन।

  13. aug. 30.

    Impressive ramping up of testing by with the cumulative figure having crossed the 5 million mark on 24th August. Following the strategy of Test, Trace & Treat to the T!

    , , és 2 másik felhasználó
  14. aug. 28.

    Respectively 83% and 65% decline in incidence & deaths due to communicable diseases in UP. CM 's approach of focussing on preventive rather than curative health is paying off. Way to go! All these deaths can be prevented.

    , , és 3 másik felhasználó
  15. aug. 22.

    First official visit after taking over as Pricincipal Secretary ( Health& Family Welfare), to Kanpur to review preparedness for tackling pandemic. Reviewed contact tracing, containment zone management & facility readiness.

  16. aug. 22.

    ऊँ गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम् । ज्येष्ठराजं ब्रह्मणां ब्रह्मणस्पत आ नः शृण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनम् ॥ Enjoy ऋग्वेद सूक्त 2.23.1 being rendered by ji

  17. retweetelte
    aug. 11.

    हापुड़ डीएम आईएएस अदिति सिंह ने पिता को मुखाग्नि देकर बेटी बेटे का फर्क किया समाप्त. आपके बैचमेट होने का मुझे गर्व हैं.🙏🙏

  18. aug. 3.

    ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् । उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् ॥ ऋषि वशिष्ठ रचित महामृत्युंजय मंत्र ऋग वेद संहिता (7.59.12) का अंग है। अमरनाथ यात्रा में शेषनाग झील व बाबा बर्फानी के दर्शन की इच्छा शीघ्र पूर्ण हो।

  19. retweetelte
    júl. 24.

    Our desi Niagra falls- Beraghat Falls -Jabalpur in this monsoon (via WAP)

  20. júl. 20.

    An inspiring story to start the Monday morning. NANDITA topped the Jharkhand Board Exam by the dint of her sheer hard work, !battling all odds. Daughter of a domestic help, she raised money for her education by taking tuitions. Congrats. would be richer with stars like you!

  21. júl. 18.

    68% of physicians in rural areas lack a formal medical degree : Study. It is vital that we focus on our to ensure quality primary and preventive care to citizens. Sharing photos of some where outstanding work has been done


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