
SHOCK POLL: Americans Frickin' LOVE Voting Rights. Maybe Congress Should Pass Some.

The fuck you say?

Yesterday, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris gave big rousing speeches in Atlanta on the need to make voting rights happen, and Biden was more explicit than ever in his calls for the filibuster to be reformed to get it done. And the New York Times reports that it probably didn't have much effect back in DC.

But yeah, to be sure, this was some fiery shit, directed at Senate Republicans and their two BFFs, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema:

“Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace?” he declared, prompting some gasps from supporters in the audience. “Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?”

Oh, the civility! To be clear, any senator who prevents meaningful voting rights legislation from passing is going to end up roommates in hell with George Wallace one day. Top bunk or bottom bunk, Joe Manchin?

What's wild is that, according to a new Politico/Morning Consult poll out today, summarized in this morning's Playbook, support for voting rights is actually really broad, including even among Republican voters.

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Despite Joe Manchin’s Best Efforts, Democrats Building Polling Numbers Back Better

Promising polling start to a critical year.

A USA Today/Suffolk University poll had some relatively good news for Democrats last week: They’re now slightly ahead of Republicans in the generic congressional ballot. Voters say they prefer unnamed Democratic candidates over Republicans who shall not be named 39 percent to 37 percent in this year’s midterm elections. Republicans had an eight-point advantage in the same poll in November, when very important pundits suggested Democrats not just panic over these numbers but “go into shock.”

However, running around like Dr. Smith from "Lost in Space" shouting “We’re doomed!” isn’t productive, and politics is obviously fluid. Although the odds are against Democrats, they haven’t lost until voters actually cast ballots, i.e. the part of the process Republicans don’t like very much. There’s a consensus among Democrats that Republicans shouldn’t win this year, but there’s some debate over the most effective messaging for a pandemic-weary electorate.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama declared, “We’ve got to vote like the future of our democracy depends on it.” The problem is that MAGAs are similarly motivated in a twisted way. Fortunately, Obama has more than just empty rhetoric. Her group, When We All Vote, plans to "recruit and train at least 100,000 volunteers" and "register more than a million new voters.”

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Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Is Nation's Least Popular Governor, So That Seems Unfair

She’s actually not that bad. We swear.

Morning Consult ran a story last week ranking the nation's governors by approval rating, and Democratic Oregon Governor Kate Brown brought up the rear with just 43 percent approval. Vermont GOP Governor Phil Scott commands the top spot with 79 percent.

Why exactly is Brown America's least popular governor? I live in Oregon and have apparently survived Brown's apparent reign of terror unscathed. (Full disclosure: I met the governor at a private function recently, and she was charming.) She's not scandal-ridden like South Dakota GOP Governor Kristi Noem, whose entire COVID-19 policy appears to be to let God sort 'em out. Noem ranks 14th with 58 percent approval. Yes, that Kristi Noem.


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2022 midterms

Trump Threatens To Tank GOP In Midterms If Party Fails To Pucker Up And Kiss His Ass

You make a deal with the devil, he's gonna come collecting.

Donald Trump, the parasite devouring the Republican party from within, has a warning about the 2022 midterms.

"If we don't solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting in '22 or '24," he whined last week on his mommyblog. "It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do."

And Mitch McConnell popped another antacid. Because for Ol' Yertle, the most important thing is not relitigating 2020 for all eternity. He wants to win back both houses of Congress, and he can't do it if the Madman of Mar-a-Lago keeps telling the base to boycott the polls.

Yesterday the New York Times reported on an internal GOP survey of voters in Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's Georgia House district, which The Cook Political Report rates as R+28.

The internal survey found that 5 percent of Republican voters said they would sit out the 2022 election if the state of Georgia did not conduct a forensic audit of the 2020 election — a demand that some of Mr. Trump's hard-core supporters have made. Another 4 percent said they would consider sitting out the election absent an audit.

The possibility that nearly 10 percent of Republicans could sit out any election — even one in a solidly red district like the one held by Ms. Taylor Greene — was something Republican strategists said they found alarming.

Which jibes with the results of January's Senate runoffs when Republicans got pissed off and stayed home, handing the Senate to Joe Manchin. Which sucks mightily, but is certainly better than the alternative. (Shut up, yes it is. We're getting two more excellent judges confirmed this afternoon.)

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