2022 congressional elections

Even Fox News Wouldn't Put Up With Rick Scott's Sh*t This Sunday

It's your Sunday show rundown!

The Sunday shows had a lot of discussions about Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court confirmation hearings and the ongoing invasion of Ukraine this week.

A few really stood out for how especially stupid they were. Here they are:

GOP Sen. Rick Scott on 'Fox News Sunday'

On the Chris Wallace-less version of Fox News's main Sunday show, everything seemed to be going as planned. Voldemort animatronic Rick Scott expressed optimism for the GOP's chances to flip Congress in the midterms and criticized President Joe Biden's handling of Russia's war against Ukraine.

But the mood of the interview changed faster than the Dolby Theater after a Will Smith slap when fill-in host John Roberts (not the Chief Justice), who's still vying to take the host slot of "Fox News Sunday," confronted Scott about his widely derided proposed GOP platform:

ROBERTS: You recently put out an 11-point plan to rescue America. Two of the big points are, quote: All Americans should pay some income tax to have skin in the game, even if a small amount. Currently, over half of Americans pay no income tax.

It also says: All federal legislation sunsets in five years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again.

So, that would raise taxes on half of Americans and potentially sunset programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

Why would you propose something like that in an election year?

That was a very good question, which sounded less like opposition to us, and more like "don't ruin our chances, dummy."

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Ben Shapiro Gonna Make His Own Razors, And His Own Disney, And, And, And ... Other Stuff Too

Yeah, other stuff!

Ben Shapiro has been very upset, for some time now, over corporations going "woke" — or, in other words, keeping up with the times and not alienating valued customers. Lately, he's been particularly mad at Disney CEO Bob Chapek for not being horrible enough as it concerns Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill, which should come as a surprise to pretty much anyone who has been paying attention to Chapek's various responses to said bill. Disney employees have been staging walkouts, customers have been issuing complaints, and the best he's been able to do is "pause" donations to all politicians in Florida (belatedly) and make vague promises about supporting the LGBTQ community and being a better ally in the future.

But even that is too much for Ben Shapiro. As far as he is concerned, any acknowledgement that gay or trans people exist is a "slap in the face" to people who would prefer that they did not, whether it be from teachers or from corporations. So he plans to stick it to Disney and other "woke" corporations by "competing" with them.

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Tucker Carlson On A Whole Thing Again, 'Woman' And 'Maternity' And 'Breastfeeding' And 'Flight Suits' Edition

Why won't Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson say what Tucker Carlson wants her to say?

During his show last night, Tucker Carlson went on a rant about how very joyful he would have been had Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson answered Sen. Marsha Blackburn's "What is a woman?" question with an impassioned and extremely transphobic speech about how "men can't breastfeed." He delivered this imagined monologue himself, replete with diagrams of the female reproductive system, a childlike explanation of chromosomes, and a bizarre insistence that one can learn everything there is to know about human biology in sixth grade.

"Imagine if she said that! What an answer that would have been!" Carlson exclaimed. "Do you know a single person who wouldn't have cheered? We would have. Honesty is a wonderful thing to watch no matter where it comes from."

Alas, he was disappointed, because KBJ did not give this imaginary Tucker Carlson monologue, but rather said, "I don't know, I'm not a biologist."

It wasn't a perfect answer — there is a whole lot more to gender than biology. But in case Tucker Carlson hasn't noticed, there are not exactly teeming masses of biologists out there railing against the existence of transgender people. Why might that be? Perhaps they are too busy explaining that even "biological sex" is a hell of lot more complicated than one learns in middle school.

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UT Gov Spencer Cox Takes Radical Position That Trans Kids Are Human And Adults Shouldn't Bash Them

God bless.

“We care about you. We love you. It’s going to be OK."

Because we've become inured to toxic levels of hatred and demagoguery, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox treating transgender kids like human beings is almost as jarring as the fact that he just vetoed his party's anti-trans athletic bill.

This year Texas sicced Child Protective Services on parents for "abusing" their kids with medically approved care, and states are racing to allow parents to sue schools for "harming" their cisgender kids by making them play peewee soccer next to trans kids. So it's actually shocking to see a politician say out loud that we are adults and it is our job to protect all children, not score cheap political points by kicking the most vulnerable ones.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is a cruel fucking country.

Gov. Cox detailed his reasons for vetoing HB11 in a long, moving letter in which he pointed out that the imaginary "problem" of transgender students participating in sports is dwarfed by the reality of high rates of suicidality in children who are stigmatized and marginalized, often by the very adults who are supposed to be taking care of them.

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