National Politics

Ketanji Brown Jackson Going To Supreme Court. Cry About It, Lindsey Graham.

History almost made.

This is a happy post about Ketanji Brown Jackson making it out of the Senate Judiciary Committee last night and moving full-speed ahead toward confirmation as the first Black woman ever to serve as an associate justice of the Supreme Court.

But first, let's get some bitching and moaning from Lindsey Graham out of the way:

That was Graham explaining yesterday why he voted for Ketanji Brown Jackson for the DC Court of Appeals, but simply could not support her now. He said it's different when it's lower courts. And oh boy he's just so mad about all these other things, he simply can't vote for Jackson, GRRRRRR!

“When you had a chance to support an African-American conservative, you used her ideology against her,” Graham said. “You blocked her from being considered by this committee, and we’re supposed to be like trained seals over here clapping when you appoint a liberal. That’s not going to work.”

Oh good lord, get a life, Lindsey. Nobody "blocked" anyone. Someone else got nominated, because Lindsey Graham is not actually the president who gets to decide who is even nominated or not. (That is Joe Manchin.)

Graham also made sure Democrats understand that if Republicans take over, decent and good and qualified human beings won't even get a hearing in a Republican Senate:

"If we get back the Senate and we’re in charge of this body and there is judicial openings, we will talk to our colleagues on the other side. But if we were in charge, she would not have been before this committee. You would have had somebody more moderate than this. So, I want you to know right now, the process you started to go to a simple majority vote is going rear its head here pretty soon when we’re in charge. Then we’ll talk about judges differently.”

Right, Lindsey. See, we've actually seen how Republicans handle judges. They steal Supreme Court nominations from Democratic presidents, and then when Russia-assisted Republicans hold the presidency, they cram through the most grossly unqualified, most foul human beings the Federalist Society can scrape off the ground in a dog park. In the case of Brett Kavanaugh, they do that over a chorus of people coming forward to say he sexually assaulted them. And all the while, they stuff 24-year-old white bigots into lifetime appointments on the lower courts, in order to try to exert white Christian supremacist control over American life long after all their garbage asses are in the ground.

But we do thank Lindsey Graham for his succinct candor, which will translate well into campaign ads about how much it matters that the Senate stay in the grownups' hands.

Now, happy post! Ketanji Brown Jackson will almost certainly be confirmed to the Supreme Court by the end of the week.

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Right Wing Extremism

Your Weekly Dose Of GOP Non-Answers And BS, Courtesy Of The Sunday Shows!

We watch so you don't have to.

The Republican Party has long given up on governance or the appearance of even trying. It's so plain that even when they publicly confess that truth, it's met with a shrug rather than any pushback.

Translation: We have no agenda other than obstructing like it's 2008!

It's nevertheless infuriating when the GOP tries to cover its bullshit with a thin veneer of legitimacy.

Roy Blunt on ABC's 'This Week'

A great example of this is GOP Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri, who got his own dedicated Wonkette post about this earlier today. Blunt was asked about where he stood on the upcoming vote to confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Blunt decided to pretend he just really wanted to be a part of this historic moment, but just couldn't vote for this particular person:

BLUNT: Really, there are two criteria, I said immediately. One is, is the person qualified for the job? And two is, what's her judicial philosophy?

She's certainly qualified. [...] But the judicial philosophy seems to be not the philosophy of looking at what the law says and the Constitution says and applying that, but going through some method that allows you to try to look at the Constitution as a more flexible document, and even the law. And there are cases that show that that’s her view. [...] And I won't be supporting her but I'll be joining others in understanding the importance of this moment.

If only the very qualified Judge Jackson had answered that question about her judicial philosophy. Oh wait. We guess Blunt just missed it during the confirmation hearings or when it was reported by The Wall Street Journal or Slate or The New York Times or Des Moines Register. I'm sure once Sen. Blunt's staff does a quick Google search, he'll get right on confirming Judge Jackson.

Right? Right?

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GOP Sen. Roy Blunt Praises 'Historic' Nomination Of Ketanji Brown Jackson, Will Vote Against Her

For totally NOT racist reasons, obvs.

Republican senators' reactions to the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson have run the gamut from filthy to shameful. Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham, both of whom supported her elevation to the DC Circuit, have gone out of their way to spread Josh Hawley's filthy lies about Judge Jackson favoring sex offenders. But they, like Ted Cruz, are soulless fucking ghouls — you never expected any better from them.

It's the squishes that really shock the conscience. The Romneys, the Cassidys, the Burrs ... the ones who bloody well know that the way the GOP is treating Jackson is disgusting and could not possibly be justified even if everything they claimed about Democrats' treatment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh were true. Which it is not.

Take Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, who sat down with ABC's George Stephanopoulos this weekend to explain that, although Jackson's confirmation to the Supreme Court will be "a high point for the country," he still intends to vote against it.

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LIVE: Senate Judiciary Committee Respectfully Discusses Merits Of Ketanji Brown Jackson Nomination

Uh huh, yep, you betcha.

Sorry, our bad, we meant that the Democrats on the Senate Judicary Committee will be talking respectfully about what a badass Ketanji Brown Jackson is. Republicans like Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton and Ted Cruz, we imagine, will do armpit farts while randomly shouting the words "child porn!"

The committee will be deliberating all day, and then sometime around early evening probably they'll officially vote her out of the committee. She may be confirmed by the end of the week!

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