
Two-Thirds Of Americans Want KBJ Confirmed. Guess Those GOP Attacks Worked Just Great!

She's also tied for highest support of any Supreme Court justice.

A new national poll from Marquette University Law School found that two-thirds of Americans — a nice round 66 percent — support the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Thirty-four percent were opposed, and we guess the poll rounded off the "no opinion" option since that's not listed.

Also too, the pollsters say that Jackson is seen as “very qualified” by 46 percent of respondents, and as “somewhat qualified” by 42 percent, although 12 percent see her as “not qualified,” and we're going to be generous and assume that's because they think no Biden nominee could be, instead of the real reason, which is "because racist."

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Nice Time

Biden Shitcans Jerk GOP Losers From Fitness Council And They Will Not Shut Up

WNBA star and famous cook man take their spots.

The Biden administration Wednesday gave the heave-ho to two candidates for US Senate who'd been serving on the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition, because the Hatch Act prohibits government employees from running for office. Former NFL star Herschel Walker is embarrassing himself in the Georgia US Senate race, while Dr. Mehmet Oz is running for the GOP nomination in Pennsylvania, although he lives in New Jersey.

They're running!

Strap Yourselves In, Folks: Herschel Walker’s Gonna Explain Evolution To You

PA Senate Candidate Dr. Oz Promises To Do A Crap Job If Elected

The two will be replaced by a couple of actual role models, two-time WNBA MVP Elena Delle Donne of the Washington Mystics pro basketball concern, and José Andrés, the chef and philanthropist who founded World Central Kitchen and regularly gives EVERYBODY eat in crisis areas around the world, including, most recently, Ukraine.

Delle Donne and Andrés will serve as co-chairs of the Council, which promotes "healthy, accessible eating and physical activity for all Americans, regardless of background or ability,” according to a White House statement.

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Nice Time

No, Really, What's Up With Idaho?

Some good news and some full on WTF news.

As we mentioned in our weirdass Idaho story yesterday, Idaho is having a bit of a moment just now. Let's review: In just the past two weeks, Yr Wonkette has featured these steaming nuggets of Pure Idaho Weird — and half of them involve the state legislature!

Happily we have some updates on a few of those, and they don't all suck, so let's take a look-see!

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2022 congressional elections

Which To Burn First, The Confederate Flag Or This Ginormous Blunt?

Meet Gary Chambers. He's running for US Senate in Louisiana, and he rules.

Gary Chambers may not have a very good chance in his campaign for the US Senate seat currently disgraced by Sen. John Neely Kennedy (R-Louisiana). Chambers may not manage to replace Kennedy in the Senate, but he's already a better human being: You'd never see Gary Chambers descend to the skeezy depths of red-baiting and bullshit that are Kennedy's stock in trade. But that may damn Chambers by faint praise, since the same could be said of a two-by-four.

What we're getting at here is that you might really enjoy this Washington Post profile of Chambers (link should get you past the paywall), who has an underdog's enthusiasm for stirring shit up and calling attention to issues that need attention.

Also, a couple of his campaign ads are pretty brilliant, which no one's ever going to say about Kennedy.

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