In 2018, BlazeTV Host Decried Immigration And Multiculturalism On White Supremacist Podcast

Updated 10/18/21 | On Sept. 9, 2021, Glenn Beck’s BlazeTV network announced the debut of the show You Are Here with co-hosts Sydney Watson and Elijah Schaffer. Watson, a far-right Australian YouTube personality, once appeared on a notorious white supremacist podcast where she accused Australians of “selling [their] souls” to immigrants.

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Russia Insider Mixes Pro-Putin And White Nationalist Propaganda

As news broke that 12 Russian agents had been indicted pursuant to Robert Mueller’s probe of interference in the 2016 election, one pro-Russian “citizen journalist” appeared on a popular white supremacist podcast. Continue reading “Russia Insider Mixes Pro-Putin And White Nationalist Propaganda”

White Supremacists And Conspiracy Theorists Rage Over Syrian ‘False Flag’ Attack

It was reported that on April 7, 2018, over 40 people were murdered in a chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma. According to reports from the World Health Organization’s Health Cluster partners, “an estimated 500 patients presented to health facilities exhibiting signs and symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic chemicals.”

Continue reading “White Supremacists And Conspiracy Theorists Rage Over Syrian ‘False Flag’ Attack”

Lana Lokteff and Guests Dispense Alt-Right Dating Tips

Alt Right Dating Tips
Rejected ‘Brady Bunch’ intro.

In an episode of Radio 3Fourteen posted on April 11, 2017, host Lana Lokteff invited Bre Faucheux, Elora, and Rebecca to discuss femininity, traditionalist lifestyles, and — best of all — alt-right dating advice for women who are past their “fertile window.” Continue reading “Lana Lokteff and Guests Dispense Alt-Right Dating Tips”

Flashback: Emily Youcis Describes How She Came To Embrace White Nationalism

In early November, cartoonist Emily Youcis appeared on the white power podcast Radio 3Fourteen to discuss how she became a white nationalist. This was shortly before she attended the recent NPI conference in Washington, D.C. where she gave interviews and was filmed being attacked by Antifa protesters who sprayed attendees with an unknown, foul-smelling substance.

Continue reading “Flashback: Emily Youcis Describes How She Came To Embrace White Nationalism”

Lana Lokteff: Women Who Fought for the Right to Vote Were ‘Spinsters’ or Angry with Their Husbands


On a recent episode of Radio 3Fourteen, alt-right host Lana Lokteff was joined by Melissa, a self-described “reactionary” who runs the website The New Femininity and once wrote a vomit-inducing article called “5 Reasons Donald Trump is Hot and Sexy.” Continue reading “Lana Lokteff: Women Who Fought for the Right to Vote Were ‘Spinsters’ or Angry with Their Husbands”

Lana Lokteff and Jazzhands McFeels: The Endgame of the Alt-Right is a ‘White Ethnostate’

Segregation Sign

On a recent episode of Radio 3Fourteen, Lana Lokteff interviewed Fash the Nation co-host Jazzhands McFeels to clear up some misconceptions about the alt-right. Continue reading “Lana Lokteff and Jazzhands McFeels: The Endgame of the Alt-Right is a ‘White Ethnostate’”