Headlines — 2/04/19

Racist stand-up comic Owen Bemjamin appears in PragerU video, Laura Loomer’s antics are being supported by an anti-Muslim hate group, Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes launches a frivolous lawsuit against the SPLC, and more.

Media Matters – PragerU YouTube video features bigoted conspiracy theorist Owen Benjamin.
Talking Points Memo – Gab links up with fringe gun rights site amid backlash to users’ rhetoric.
Right Wing Watch – The anti-Muslim hate group backing Laura Loomer’s ‘independent journalism.’
Think Progress – Turning Point USA launches British chapter to rocky reception.
The Daily Beast – Gavin McInnes sues Southern Poverty Law Center for branding Proud Boys ‘hate group.’
Raw Story – GOP congressman randomly lashes out at Pelosi after Jewish website accuses him of supporting Nazis.
BuzzFeed News – Top Democrats are calling for Virginia’s governor to resign over his racist yearbook photo.
Vox – Senate Democrats are trying to prevent Trump from using disaster relief funding for a border wall.
Splinter – Here are the racist conspiracy emails rotting right-wing billionaire Joe Ricketts’ brain.