New Mexico Gonna Do Free Child Care, Just Like A Civilized Place!

If you want a vision of a possible future, maybe stop imagining George Orwell's "boot stamping on a human face, forever," and instead imagine a preschool class full of squirmy youngsters, learning and playing and generally being wonderful and sometimes a pain in the ass, as small children can also be.

What can I say? I love the pessimistic old English socialist who rightly feared the totalitarian impulse, but sometimes I end up feeling far more hopeful, like when I read about New Mexico's new initiative to completely cover childcare costs for most residents of the state for a year (free link to Washington Post). I can be a sap that way. I'm also the guy who tears up when Tom Joad tells his mother he'll be there in the way kids laugh when they're hungry an' they know supper's ready.

Starting May 1 and running through June 2023, the state will cover child care for families earning up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level, which ought to cover most New Mexico families. It's easily the broadest state child care benefit in the USA, and the first state benefit to cover such a wide range of incomes. It'll be available to a family of four making up to $110,000 annually, as the Washington Post 'splains:

The state recently expanded a federal child-care subsidy to middle-class families. On Thursday, Lujan Grisham said it would eliminate co-pays for them, too. Officials estimate both changes will make child care free for a total of 30,000 families.

This is pretty freaking wonderful; Lujan Grisham announced the expanded benefit yesterday on her website and at a child care center in Albuquerque, and the video is worth skimming through, if only for the occasional shots of a tiny little girl doing her level best to show interest in all these grownups talking about policy.

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Peggy Noonan Knows Biggest Problem Right Now: Joe Biden's Flowery Speeches

The Trump years had not been kind to Sister Peggy Noonan of the Sacred Order of the Hydrocodone Torpor. The ghastly cantaloupe-colored barbarian had invited so many mountebanks and scallywags into her beloved White House that it might as well have been a halfway house. His wife with her incomprehensible accent and her unsensible shoes had decorated the place like some sort of Slavic bordello every Christmas season. His daughter who kept showing up dressed like an extra in The Nutcracker while his son-in-law frightened the nation’s children. His sons kept appearing on TV without shaving, bestubbled like sailors after three days of shore leave, if not nearly as coherent.

At least when Ronnie Reagan lived there, his people had the dignity to commit crime mostly out of sight. These Trump people were so open about it. She hoped the White House staff had hidden the good china before they moved out.

Worst of all was the fate of her erstwhile houseboy, Manuel, scooped up by Trump’s immigration Stasi and deported to wherever he had come from — Guatemala? Mexico? Jersey City? She hadn’t really ever been listening — as he returned to her apartment from the corner bodega with her dinner of a crate of wine and a package of Kraft Sharp Cheddar Singles. She was still haunted by the sound of him yelling up at her windows begging her for help as the officers wrestled him into their van, leaving her groceries scattered in the gutter.

It was so awful. She had really been looking forward to that cheese.

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Tennessee Does Its Part In National School Censorship Crusade

The Tennessee General Assembly passed an exciting new school censorship bill Wednesday that will give a politically appointed commission the power to decide what books are allowed in every school library in the state. No more worries about local control, because the commission will now be able to dictate what kids all over the state can read. And to sweeten the deal, the bill's House sponsor, state Rep. Jerry Sexton (R), said that if it were up to him, any books the commission didn't approve would be burned. Sadly for the more censorious culture warriors in the Lege, actually putting books to the torch didn't make it into the law. There's always next year!

We also feel compelled to point out that Rep. Sexton represents a place called "Bean Station," which frankly sounds a little too risqué for the good God-fearing people of Tennessee. Wouldn't want the ladyfolk to get ideas.

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Jesse Watters Was Just Making Hilarious Joke About Deflating Woman's Tires, Why Didn't You Laugh?

A whole week ago, Wonkette had a story about how Fox News creep Jesse Watters confessed on live TV that one of his moves when he was trying to woo his now-wife, who was married at the time, was when he let the air out of her tires so she'd have to get in his car instead. And now they're married! The Aristocrats!

No really, he just said this stuff out loud on TV.

This was largely unprompted. None of his cohosts had asked, "Hey, what's a time you acted really rapey," or anything like that. It was a conversation about environmentalists deflating SUV tires. And Watters was like OH! OH! OH! I HAVE STORY ABOUT "DEFLATE TIRES!"

By the way, this happened on April 11, and it was days later before anybody reported on it. We guess it was just de rigueur for Fox News? Or maybe everybody was busy calling the cops?

Well now, here at the end of April, Watters is saying actually when he said he let the air out of a woman's tires so she'd have to get in his car instead, it was a joke. Wocka wocka!

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White House Press Briefing: It's Your Pfreaky Pfriday Psaki Pfest!

Get in here and watch your WonkTV!

Time for your daily White House Press briefing, with White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki! We dunno, has there been any news lately for her to talk about? We forget!

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Tucker, Marco Rubio Fight DHS 'Disinformation Governance Board' With ... You Guessed It! ... Disinformation

In which they pretend to be scared that jackbooted thugs are coming for their wrongthink.

After months of book bannings, laws barring teachers from mentioning that queer people exist, and pushing bills to require doctors to tell their patients that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are effective against COVID-19 even though they are not, the Right is once again trying to cast itself as the great defender of free speech. They figure if they just say it over and over again, people will believe it is true — and, sadly, they're not wrong.

Last night, Fox hosts and Republican politicians alike flipped out over the news that the Department of Homeland Security is forming a Disinformation Governance Board — currently for the explicit purpose of countering Russian disinformation and "misleading information that human smugglers circulate to target migrants hoping to travel to the U.S.-Mexico border." While you might think the Fox hosts would be thrilled by the latter, given how much they hate immigrants, they are much more concerned about the idea of lies in general being portrayed as bad, as well as a potential threat to domestic security.

Tucker Carlson, very normally, claimed that the new initiative was going to result in "men with guns" coming after people just for simply disagreeing with Joe Biden on things.

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Nice Time

New Mexico Gonna Do Free Child Care, Just Like A Civilized Place!

But it's only for a year — to start.

If you want a vision of a possible future, maybe stop imagining George Orwell's "boot stamping on a human face, forever," and instead imagine a preschool class full of squirmy youngsters, learning and playing and generally being wonderful and sometimes a pain in the ass, as small children can also be.

What can I say? I love the pessimistic old English socialist who rightly feared the totalitarian impulse, but sometimes I end up feeling far more hopeful, like when I read about New Mexico's new initiative to completely cover childcare costs for most residents of the state for a year (free link to Washington Post). I can be a sap that way. I'm also the guy who tears up when Tom Joad tells his mother he'll be there in the way kids laugh when they're hungry an' they know supper's ready.

Starting May 1 and running through June 2023, the state will cover child care for families earning up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level, which ought to cover most New Mexico families. It's easily the broadest state child care benefit in the USA, and the first state benefit to cover such a wide range of incomes. It'll be available to a family of four making up to $110,000 annually, as the Washington Post 'splains:

The state recently expanded a federal child-care subsidy to middle-class families. On Thursday, Lujan Grisham said it would eliminate co-pays for them, too. Officials estimate both changes will make child care free for a total of 30,000 families.

This is pretty freaking wonderful; Lujan Grisham announced the expanded benefit yesterday on her website and at a child care center in Albuquerque, and the video is worth skimming through, if only for the occasional shots of a tiny little girl doing her level best to show interest in all these grownups talking about policy.

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