The problem with closeted friends…

Let me just start by saying that I don’t actually have a problem with gays. They’re fine by me, and I respect them. I’m not homophobic and I don’t say “stay away from me” if you admit you’re gay, ‘cos I understand you’re gay and not an anal rapist. Which reminds me… why do guys do that? What if girls started saying that to heterosexual guys? Wouldn’t that be offensive?

Anyways, so, as things go nowadays, I do have a few gay friends and they’re cool, and my behavior with them is totally normal. But, there is this one friend who I know is gay, and everyone knows is gay, but since he hasn’t mustered up the courage to step out of the closet yet (he’s 32, it’s about time!), it puts the rest of us in a really awkward situation – pretending that we think he’s straight.

Harder (excuse the deliberate innuendo) than you might think. Continue reading

The Fourth Meal

There’s breakfast; I like breakfast. I have it a little bit towards late morning, but that’s the way I am. Eggs, bread, maybe bacon, juice or coffee – I wouldn’t call it “the works” but good enough. Sometimes cereal. I’m working, eating my eggs, sipping my coffee, I take a cigarette break and BAM! It’s fucking lunchtime. For everyone else, that is. Not me. I wait it out another hour, why not, I had a heavy breakfast. I’m finally into my pasta (exclusively with Alfredo sauce) – and I don’t mind a bit of bacon thrown in there either. Or, if I’m feeling all desi, I’ll go for a Roghanjosh, maybe lamb chops. I don’t know, I let the mood decide those. Then there’s are two cigarette breaks, time to leave work and BAM! I’m starving again – dinnertime. Same requirements as lunch, except this one is home-cooked and hopefully with the wife and kid. Accompanied by some Cerveza (or two or three) – why not? It’s 10pm, wife and kid asleep, time to watch that movie on TV for 30 minutes, realize it’s too mainstream, pop in one of the Star Wars Special Edition DVDs, just to be ironic (mainstream, did I say?)…. and wait. It first hits me at midnight. Light, nothing serious. I know it can be suppressed for a bit, so I let it pass. I’ll have another cigarette. Plus, I’ll regret the third chilled one. <Beer Burp>. By half past one (we’re talking antemeridian) I’m scurrying around the fridge – rice is over, pasta’s done with, some curry is left. Hmm, should I call BK and order one of them Superstar combos? Should I drive down to the gas station mini-mart and grab me some chow. And then, it hits me. This. Is. Not. Fair. Continue reading

New Bros

In a surge of ultimate socio-patheticness (sic), I decided that I would let go of all my friends in exchange for new friends. Bros, chums, pals, distant buddies, acquaintances, et al. Now, there’s nothing wrong with my current set of friends, but to paraphrase a classic break-up line, “it’s not them, it’s me”. Yes, I have outgrown them with my unique blend of awesomeness and intellect. Actually, to be completely honest, I decided to hold on to the acquaintances for a bit longer, in case any of them could be a channel to some new friends. But, as I realized very soon, I need bros. Every guy does. Just one or two will do, but I need them. And now that I’ve shed off my ex-bros, I am on the look out for new ones. It’s not anywhere near as easy as it sounds when you’re past thirty. Continue reading

What’s in a name?

I sat around watching Lion King with my daughter the other day. It was before I discovered they were coming out with a 3D version, otherwise I would’ve waited. Dang that, by the way. Now it will be all fresh in my memory – although I feel the added dimension will only help to tug at my heart strings even further. Admit it guys, The Lion King made you cry. It’s okay, we’ve all been there. In fact, TLK represents one of only a few selection of movies where I wasn’t rooting for the bad guy. I mean, okay, I was actually, until the stampede left Mufasa lying on the ground and Simba walked in timidly saying “Dad” and lifting Mufasa’s lifeless paw… okay, I can’t go on, it’s too hard. And it’s off topic anyway. Continue reading

Lurking at a lingerie store: An intimate tale

No, the title is not an analogy – this story really is about just that. If you’re a straight guy, and have had (or are in) a relationship that goes beyond the one night stand, chances are your female partner has, or will soon enough, take you for a trip to the lingerie store. Oh, the horror, you think. But hey, be brave, live it out man. Because the woman, let me tell you, does not understand the troubles of taking a guy to the lingerie shop. She really doesn’t. To her, it’s just “my-man-takes-the-trouble-to-help-me-choose-lingerie-because-he’s-supportive”, but really, girl, you’re in a bra shop, how much more “support” do you need.

The trouble is, a lingerie store presents a variety of conflicting situations which, whether true or not, exist inside the guy’s mind. True, you do learn that there’s way more to women’s intimates than just hot bras and panties, but I would really rather learn that through experience – standing in a bra shop is like reading the “Plot” section in a movie’s Wikipedia entry. Oh, and what the fuck is a Camisole? Apparently, it’s a bit like a slip, but not quite. Continue reading

The Monkey and the Grape: A (Sad but) True Story

Our minds are different, for each of us. And that mind is more powerful than us, as human beings. If it decides that, for example, blood is blue, then come what may, blood will be blue. And if it decides that, when projecting the image of our own reflections in the mirror, we are beautiful, then that’s what we are. But, let’s face it, there’s plenty of you out there that are not. And some are even more revolting to look at than others. But even for them, in their own minds, they are beautiful. And this, dear friends (beautiful and ugly ones) is where our story begins.

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I hate you. Please love me.

For as far back as I can remember, I have always had the undying need to have people like me. At all times. I’m not one of those that doesn’t care about people’s opinions – I do care. It’s very important to me that people like me. I mean, why wouldn’t they? I’m so amazing. Why do these morons not adore me at all times, I wonder to myself sometimes. As far as I’m concerned, it is imperative that I am loved and admired. Twenty-four seven.
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Of Testy Times

Getting hit in the balls – every guy has been through that at least once in their life, if not more. I myself can remember three of mine. And it’s nasty, I tell you; nasty as hell. And that isn’t even the worst bit. What makes the experience all the more unpleasant is your usually loyal friends’ unwillingness to drop everything and come to your aid with, if not an ice pack, then at least a shard of sympathy. But no. The moment that taped-tennis ball (yeah, that’s how we play cricket, us real men) takes an odd bounce off the tarmac and smashes you in the jewels, or you run crotch first into the corner of your work-mate’s desk, or your ex-wife’s bitchier best friend decides to deliver some vigilante justice via her knees, your friends, even the closest ones, break into a fit of laughter. And it’s not just a chuckle or mild giggle followed by them rushing to help you. It’s one of those uncontrollable, keel-over-and-drop-with-legs-spasming laughs which (pain ignored momentarily) make you look back and examine that friendship on a larger scale. It always messed me up. I always wondered what it was that would turn my nearest and dearest almost against me, and send them over to a dark side where my busted nuts were a source of amusement. And then, one day, Monty got it in the sack. And I understood. Continue reading

How to lose a guy in one wedding

My friend Chunky, who had promised himself bachelorhood for life, has decided to get married. It’s okay, I mean, it’s his promise. But, for the rest of us who’ve already entered this holiest of bonds, Chunky stood as an example of perseverance, will-power and balls-still-attached manhood, somehow. He didn’t “fall” in love. He remained on his feet and weathered the storm of clingy girls and needy, demanding women – he remained unattached. But no more. Continue reading