
Matt Gaetz Succeeds In Getting Defense Sec To Yell At Him, Great Job Matt Gaetz!

He's just plain evil, is the problem.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida), that useless bag of hair and forehead who should've gone to prison for sex trafficking by now, had a fine time grandstanding for rightwing media during a House Armed Services Committee hearing Tuesday. As Ukraine called for investigations of Russian war crimes in the murders of hundreds of civilians in Bucha, Gaetz bravely interrogated US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin about the extremely important issue of whether the Pentagon is even capable of having good manly wars anymore since it's drowning in "wokeness."

Gatz eventually managed to provoke Austin into a shouting match, so it was clearly a win for the vacuous troll and his important agenda of being a complete asshole.

Here's video of Gaetz being a smarmy turd, and Austin growing more and more exasperated at his bullshit.

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National Politics

So Adam Kinzinger Seems Pissed

Fucks left to give: not many.

It sounds like Rep. Adam Kinzinger, one of two Republican members of the House January 6 Select Committee and one of the very few remaining Republicans in Congress with any legitimate claim to sanity or patriotism, is having a bit of a "through with this shit" moment.

We guess the combination of — deep breath for this run-on sentence! — the terrorist attack Donald Trump incited against America and the fact Trump has yet to face any sort of accountability for it, and the genocide and war crimes Trump's best pal Vladimir Putin is inflicting on innocents in Ukraine, and the way Republicans and their media mouthpieces sound more and more like state-run Putin assets every day, and the fact that Trump is literally begging Putin nowfuckingrightnow to give him dirt on his political enemy, who is the president of the United States, plus how Trump can't seem to find one harsh word to say about how upon Putin's orders Ukrainian bodies are getting cold in Ukrainian mass graves, oh and then there's that one smart-mouthed little troll colleague of his who called Volodymyr Zelenskyy a "thug," and ...

Well yeah, all that might get to a person after a while. (Maybe it gets to them so much that they eventually regret voting against voting rights? One step at a time, we suppose.)

Michigan GOP Rep. Fred Upton, who along with Kinzinger was one of the 10 who voted to impeach Donald Trump for that wee terrorist attack he incited, announced his retirement today. We already knew Kinzinger was quitting after November.

Here's Kinzinger. He mad.

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Right Wing Extremism

Your Weekly Dose Of GOP Non-Answers And BS, Courtesy Of The Sunday Shows!

We watch so you don't have to.

The Republican Party has long given up on governance or the appearance of even trying. It's so plain that even when they publicly confess that truth, it's met with a shrug rather than any pushback.

Translation: We have no agenda other than obstructing like it's 2008!

It's nevertheless infuriating when the GOP tries to cover its bullshit with a thin veneer of legitimacy.

Roy Blunt on ABC's 'This Week'

A great example of this is GOP Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri, who got his own dedicated Wonkette post about this earlier today. Blunt was asked about where he stood on the upcoming vote to confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Blunt decided to pretend he just really wanted to be a part of this historic moment, but just couldn't vote for this particular person:

BLUNT: Really, there are two criteria, I said immediately. One is, is the person qualified for the job? And two is, what's her judicial philosophy?

She's certainly qualified. [...] But the judicial philosophy seems to be not the philosophy of looking at what the law says and the Constitution says and applying that, but going through some method that allows you to try to look at the Constitution as a more flexible document, and even the law. And there are cases that show that that’s her view. [...] And I won't be supporting her but I'll be joining others in understanding the importance of this moment.

If only the very qualified Judge Jackson had answered that question about her judicial philosophy. Oh wait. We guess Blunt just missed it during the confirmation hearings or when it was reported by The Wall Street Journal or Slate or The New York Times or Des Moines Register. I'm sure once Sen. Blunt's staff does a quick Google search, he'll get right on confirming Judge Jackson.

Right? Right?

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Here's Why President Biden Is Calling Putin A 'War Criminal'

He must answer for the horrors in Bucha, Ukraine.

Saturday, Ukraine declared the town of Bucha free from Russian occupation. However, as Russian troops retreat from areas near Kyiv after a failed attempt to encircle the capital city, accounts of horrific alleged atrocities have emerged. We say “alleged,” but the pictures speak for themselves.

French news agency Agence France-Presse captured images of the lifeless bodies of at least 20 civilian men lining a single street. According to CNN, “the hands of one man are tied behind his back with a piece of white cloth. Another man lies alone, tangled up in a bicycle by a grassy bank. A third man lies in the middle of the road, near the charred remains of a burned-out car.”

Bucha Mayor Anatoliy Fedoruk revealed that almost 300 people have been buried in mass graves. He told Reuters:

Corpses of executed people still line the Yabluska street in Bucha. Their hands are tied behind their backs with white 'civilian' rags, they were shot in the back of their heads. So you can imagine what kind of lawlessness they perpetrated here.

Witnesses told The Guardian that Russian soldiers fired on men fleeing the town and killed civilians at will.

According to Bucha resident Taras Schevchenko, quoted in The Guardian, Russian soldiers denied people safe passage through a humanitarian corridor and instead gunned down men as they fled across an open field. He said bodies were "scattered on the pavements” and some of the dead were “squashed by tanks … like animal skin rugs”.

Sensitive images are below.

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