
Shocking Study: Consumers Not Impressed By Brands That Insult Them!

So weird how that works.

The point of advertising, some might say, is to encourage people to want to buy your product. The more people want to buy your product, the more money you make. If you make bad advertisements that people don't like, they may not want to buy your product and then you have just wasted a bunch of money. It's not actually that hard to understand.

And yet, Ben Mitchell of the Evening Standard seems very concerned about a recent study showing that — wait for it — brands may face repercussions if they put out advertisements that insult people. Repercussions like those people and the people who care about them not buying their product. In an article ominously titled "Brands must adapt to ‘serious threat’ of being called out by ‘woke’ generation," Mitchell uses the commonsense research of University of Portsmouth lecturer Karen Middleton, picking out the quotes from her study most likely to enrage readers of the Evening Standard who believe that woke young people are straight up terrorizing the world by ... not just brushing it off when people or companies insult them or others on the basis of their gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity.

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Tucker's Show Has Masculinity Issues Even When He's Not There

Let's talk vasectomies, Brandon!

Wasn't there just a really weird Tucker thing a couple weeks ago about prostates? There was.

And now Tucker is off doing whatever Tucker does between Christmas and New Years — BRO STUFF, we bet —- and a conversation happened on his show last night about how if you have a vasectomy, you are less of a man.

The guest host: That idiot Sean Duffy, who used to be on "The Real World," and then he was a Republican congressman, and right when he was about to leave Congress, he was like. "now I will introduce a bill to make it illegal to abort gay fetuses!" It was a really clever gotcha, and all the libs are still recovering to this day.

Oh yeah, he has nine kids. This is supposed to be impressive. He's gonna mention it in this clip.

The guest: Chadwick Moore. He's a gay white conservative, so you can imagine how he is.

Now you may watch a bunch of vasectomy talk on the Tucker show, between Moore, the gay conservative who has a lot of opinions about this, and Duffy, HEY DID YOU HEAR THAT GUY HAS NINE KIDS?

When we say every second of this clip is stranger than the last, we are not kidding. It's some of the weirdest shit we've seen on Tucker in a long time, and that's sayin' something. Watch, and then we'll do our best to understand below.

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Chris Cuomo, GTFO.

It's time, bro.

Yesterday the New York Attorney General dropped another round of documents in the investigation into former Governor Andrew Cuomo. To say that it makes his brother Chris Cuomo look bad is something of an understatement. Contrary to his earlier denials that he simply offered supported as a brother, it's clear that the CNN host coordinated with the governor's staff and outside advisors to craft a response to the onslaught of accusers.

Even worse, he used his contacts as a journalist to run down leads to discredit the women accusing his brother of sexual misconduct.

“Rumor going around from politico 1-2 more ppl coming out tomorrow. Can u check your sources?” texted the governor's chief of staff Melissa DeRosa in March.

“On it," Cuomo replied, adding later, “No one has heard that yet.”

So not so much with his on-air claim in August that, "I never attacked nor encouraged anyone to attack any woman who came forward. I never made calls to the press about my brother's situation."

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