
Well Shoot, TX Gov Greg Abbott Didn't Mean To *Help* The Migrants!


Greg Abbott isn't the worst governor in America — that title belongs to Ron DeSantis, and he's not letting any grass grow under his cloven hooves. But Abbott really does give it the old college try, kicking every immigrant and gay kid he possibly can in an effort to prove to "the base" that he's just as pig ignorant and spiteful as they are.

Take the publicity stunt Abbott pulled earlier this month, when he announced he'd be scooping up migrants at the southern border and busing them to DC to dump on Joe Biden's doorstep.

“To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed, Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants, who have been dropped off by the Biden administration, to Washington DC … where the Biden administration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people they are allowing to come across our border," he said at a press conference on April 6.

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Uh oh, posting this a few minutes late! If you want to see the whole thing REWIND IT.

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National Politics

Which Country Will Putin's Republicans Vote To Give Him Next?

God it's just so appalling.

Lately it seems like if it is a day in the Congress, Democratic leadership is giving Republicans as many chances as possible to affirm that they're on the side of goodness and freedom and not Vladimir Putin.

And a lot of Republicans are going along with it! Congratulations, a lot of Republicans!

Right now, there is some weird shit happening in Transnistria, a region of Moldova. Moldova is a sovereign nation that shares borders with Ukraine, Romania, and Not Even A Little Bit Russia. And look, Transnistria is weird. It's a tiny breakaway region. According to that last link, Moldovans make fun of it for being totally backward. But there are worries Russia is looking to expand its murderous game of grabass with sovereign nations into Moldova. There have been explosions in Transnistria. Nobody's really sure what's up. Sounds like Russia might be trying to do some false-flagging, blaming Ukraine for attacking poor Transnistria.

So this week, the House held a pretty simple vote, "[e]xpressing support for Moldova's democracy, independence, and territorial integrity and strengthening United States and Moldova relations." Literally, you could put any free country in there, except for how Moldova is the one some are worried Putin is training his beady little eyes and his overfilled cheeks toward right now. Just hey, here's a resolution saying we like your democracy and we like you and let's be friends.

Seventeen Republicans voted against that.

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Moderna Asks FDA To Approve COVID Vaccine — You Know, For Kids

The vaccine for kids under 5 could finally be here — in June.

At long last, parents of very young kids may soon be able to get their little darlings vaccinated against COVID-19. Moderna today submitted an application to the Food and Drug Administration to authorize its vaccine for use in young children aged 6 months through five years, citing clinical trials showing the vaccine is effective in preventing serious illness in that age group. The FDA is expected to make a final decision on whether to authorize the vaccine for little kids by June.

As of right now, children under 5 are the only age group in the US who aren't yet authorized to get vaccines. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is available for all ages 5 and up, but the Moderna and Johnson and Johnson vaccines are only approved for folks 18 and up.

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