joe biden

Welcome Back, Obama

We really missed this guy.

Barack Obama made a triumphant return to the White House yesterday, his first time since leaving office in 2017. We don’t need to dwell on what happened immediately after he left in 2017.

Obama spoke at an event Tuesday commemorating the 12th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. Look at that packed house. Republicans are going to be such jerks about this, especially if anyone present tests positive for COVID-19.

The visit wasn’t strictly nostalgic. The White House wants to fix what’s known as the “family glitch,” a loophole that has prevented more than five million people from accessing subsidized health plans on the ACA marketplaces.

President Joe Biden can make the fix without Congress, so Senator Joe Manchin doesn’t have to sign a permission slip. Katie Keith, director of the Health Policy and the Law Initiative at Georgetown Law’s O’Neill Institute, said the fix is a “huge deal.” (This was a missed opportunity to reference Biden’s “big fucking deal” exclamation when the ACA was signed.)

Obama rightly held up the ACA as an example of government actually doing something constructive.

OBAMA: I know how discouraged people can get with Washington. But what the Affordable Care Act shows is that if you are driven by the core idea that together we can improve the lives of this generation and the next, and if you’re persistent, if you stay with it, you’re willing to work through the obstacles and the criticism, and continually improve where you fall short, you can make America better.

Democrats can indeed achieve great things if they (briefly) have a filibuster-proof Senate majority. That’s 90 percent of the job. The rest is negotiation. Poor Biden had to make do with a reduced-for-quick-sale congressional majority. The meat smells a bit off, but it’s better than nothing.

Just look at these two together again.

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After Sacramento Mass Shooting, California Says F*ck Texas, Let's Sue Gun Manufacturers

Thoughts, prayers may not be entirely effective on their own.

Following a mass shooting that left six people dead and 12 people wounded early Sunday morning, California lawmakers are calling for passage of new gun restrictions. They include a measure, modeled on Texas's abortion ban, that would allow private citizens to sue makers and sellers of assault-style weapons and so-called "ghost guns." At this point in the investigation, authorities haven't specifically said what type of weapons were used in the Sacramento shooting, although witnesses reported hearing many shots in rapid succession. Police said more than 100 rounds were fired, apparently by multiple shooters.

The LA Times reports today that one stolen firearm used in the shooting had been illegally converted to fully automatic, allowing a continuous stream of fire with a single pull of the trigger. Most civilian firearms are semiautomatic, firing one bullet with each pull of the trigger.

Two suspects have been arrested so far; one of the men, Smiley Martin, 27, is still hospitalized, but when he's sufficiently recovered, authorities say he'll be charged with "possession of a firearm by a prohibited person and possession of a machine gun," according to the Associated Press. His brother, Dandrae Martin, 26, was arrested Monday and charged with assault with a deadly weapon and with being a convict carrying a loaded firearm. Neither man has yet been charged with homicide, and it's not clear yet whether additional suspects are being sought. Smiley Martin allegedly posted a picture of himself Saturday to social media, showing him holding the gun.

The Sacramento Fire Department said that of the dozen people wounded in the shooting, at least four had suffered critical injuries, while seven had been released from hospitals by Monday. The shooting happened around 2 a.m. Sunday morning as bars were closing. The AP reports police are investigating whether the shootings were related to a street fight that broke out in the area just before the shooting.

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Senate Agrees To $10 Billion In Extra COVID $$$, After GOP A Bunch Of Dicks About It

Mittens Romney not a jerkwad for severalth time this week.

The US Senate agreed yesterday on a $10 billion plan to fund coronavirus treatments, vaccinations, and vaccine research, heading off the possibility that the US might have to cut back on ongoing treatment and free vaccines in the next few months. The funding will also cover additional testing capacity in case a new wave of infections arrives.

The White House has been warning that a cutoff of COVID funding could be catastrophic for programs that have provided COVID vaccinations and treatment to Americans at no cost. Without the additional funds, the government would have had to stop reimbursing providers for testing and treatment, retroactive to March 22, and would have been unable to reimburse for vaccines starting today.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said yesterday that the White House will keep pushing Congress for additional funding, because the US and the world need every dollar of President Joe Biden's original $22.5 billion request, especially to help people get the second booster shots that were approved last week. But, yes, for Crom's sake, pass this deal now to make sure existing programs continue. Deals are good!

“We urge Congress to move promptly on this $10 billion package because it can begin to fund the most immediate needs, as we currently run the risk of not having some critical tools like treatments and tests starting in May and June,” Psaki said.
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LIVE: President Biden Talkin' Trucks

Today on WonkTV!

Unfortunately this will not be the president going VROOM around a track while he test drives a truck. Instead, according to the White House, it is Biden talking about "Remarks on Progress Made on his Administration’s Trucking Action Plan to Strengthen Our Nation’s Supply Chains." So that sounds nice!

We think Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is going to be there too.

Watch here live:

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