State/Local Politics

MAGA Nazis Running For Local Election Positions! Hey What If Democrats ... RAN AGAINST THEM?

Doing Something is the new Not Doing Something.

Reading coverage of this November's elections, a lot of it sounds like, "Oh well, you know how things are, it's inevitable and also the law that the president's party must get massacred in the midterms, so we should probably just get ready to give the Nazis another chance to do Good Government." And we're also reading all these warnings about how in the midterms and especially in the 2024 presidential election, Donald Trump and his co-conspirators are laying the groundwork for a much more professional coup, one where state governments are stacked with all the fascists they need to have in place to overthrow the will of the people much more quickly and efficiently. As in, if he needs a secretary of state to find him 11,780 votes, they're working to make damn sure a willing secretary of state will be ready to start searching the couch cushions.

NO BIG! No Big, Just Trump Begging Georgia Secretary Of State To ‘Find’ Him 11,780 Votes

And sometimes, in reading all of that, it can be tempting to ask what Democrats are doing to stop these things, precisely. Anything? Joe Manchin's Congress obviously can't be bothered. Are we just gonna fuck around and wonder how we got here in 2028 when Trump announces he's miraculously been granted a third term by all 50 states in the Electoral College, springboarding off the permanent GOP Congress's passage of its federal "Don't Say Gay" law, a hybrid of Florida's and Russia's "Don't Say Gay" laws?

Well, here's something, from the good folks at Run For Something. Politico reports on a new three-year effort to put 5,000 people who love America into elections posts around the country, in order to stop Trump's garbage anti-American white fascists.

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Florida GOP Redistricting Plan About As Florida As You'd Expect From A Florida

Racist. We mean it's racist.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday presented the Florida Legislature with a redistricting proposal that will build in a greater advantage for Republicans than the state already has and eliminate at least two districts currently held by Black Democrats. The maps will almost certainly pass easily in the Republican-dominated legislature, after which everybody and their uncle will sue the state over the blatant gerrymandering and elimination of minority representation.

Why, yes, this is precisely the democracy-eroding shit that the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act would prevent, if only Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema weren't more concerned about Noble Traditions of the Senate than about having a functional Republic.

The Tampa Bay Times summarizes the electoral butcher's bill:

The map would create 20 Republican-performing districts and eight Democrat-leaning districts and is expected to be quickly approved by the Republican-controlled Legislature next week when it meets in a special session called by the governor. The current split of the Florida congressional delegation is 16 Republicans and 11 Democrats, and the state gets an additional district because of its population growth.

And remember, the minute the special session approves the new maps, the lawsuits will be filed to challenge them in both state and federal court. The Florida constitution has a provision that's supposed to prohibit gerrymandering, and the federal Voting Rights Act bars district maps that harm minority representation, although the current US Supreme Court tends to think of the Voting Rights Act as a quaint relic of long ago more than an actual federal law these days.

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Texas Gov Gets Very Own Blockade By Pissed Off Mexican Truckers, Good Job Well Done

A tit for a tat.

Last week, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced a number of measures that are absolutely vital to keep his name in the news with the primary coming up, and also ostensibly to protect Texas from Joe Biden's allegedly open borders. In addition to a stunt that would involve busing and flying asylum seekers to to dump them in Washington DC so Biden can have them (ha! ha!), Abbott ordered Texas state police to start performing "safety inspections" on every single commercial truck entering the US from Mexico.

When he announced the harsher "safety" inspections, Abbott said he knew they would "dramatically slow" cross-border traffic, but by golly it was worth it to keep Texas "safe." This week, it turns out that Abbott was more right than he knew: The inspections have led to hours-long delays for trucks entering Texas, and have sparked blockades of official border crossings by Mexican truckers angry at Abbott's policy.

The Texas Tribune reports that at the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge near McAllen, Texas — normally one of the busiest ports of entry — no commercial vehicles crossed the border at all Monday or Tuesday because Mexican truckers had blocked both north and southbound lanes of the the highway on the Mexico side, in protest of Abbott's inspection order.

Crossings have also slowed to a fraction of normal in El Paso and at other ports of entry, and the New York Times reports that delays of up to 14 hours have led some truck drivers to skip Texas altogether, and to take the longer drive to cross the border in New Mexico or Arizona.

No big deal, it's only around $12 million a day in produce alone that's being held up. If the slowdowns continue, that's certain to lead to higher prices and possible shortages in grocery stores across the US, which of course will be blamed on Joe Biden and Democrats regardless of the fact that Abbott caused them.

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Conspiracy theories

Steve Bannon, The Chinese Billionaire, And hUnTEr bIDeN's LApToP!!1!

But $2 billion for Jared Kushner from the Saudis for services rendered? Well does it have a laptop???

Republicans have been crying crocodile tears for upwards of a year about Hunter Biden's laptop. Why isn't the mainstream media covering it? Why are conservatives being censored? Why is the media protecting Joe Biden? No fair!

What they never mention is how totally shady this story has been from the jump. There's a reason that this thing got throttled on social media when the New York Post let Sean Hannity's 25-year-old former booker vomit it into the news cycle on October 14, 2020, and that reason is that it bore every indication of being a foreign influence operation. And new reporting from Mother Jones makes it clear that it kind of was — although not in the "Russia, if you're listening" way we all thought at the time.

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