
Oh, Trump Took Top Secret Documents To Mar-A-Lago? Is There A Phrase For That Do You Suppose?

How about the stuff he flushed?

Golly, who could have predicted this one, except everybody? The Washington Post reports that among the 15 boxes of White House documents the National Archives retrieved from Donald Trump's trash palace, it seems, some of them were clearly marked as "Top Secret." The Post says that, according to "two people familiar with the matter,"

While it was unclear how many classified documents were among those received by the National Archives and Records Administration, some bore markings that the information was extremely sensitive and would be limited to a small group of officials with authority to view such highly classified information[.]

Also too, the people who know what's what said that, as of Thursday afternoon, the FBI had not yet reviewed the classified materials, whatever they are.

It's not clear whether the Justice Department will do a full investigation (honestly, at this point, how could it not?), but at least now the recovered classified documents are "being stored in a sensitive compartmented information facility, also known as an SCIF, while Justice Department officials debated how to proceed," according to the two people in the know. Thank goodness someone's finally protecting those secrets!

FLUSH: Once Again It Comes Back To Trump And A Goddamn Terlet

We'll just assume that while they were kept at Mar-a-Lago for over a year, the sensitive documents may have just sat in storage. Or Trump might have been looking through them for dirt on his political enemies. Most likely, he just used them to build a little fort to hide in.

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Conspiracy theories

Deputy Attorney General's Facebook Posts Too Crazy Even For Virginia Republicans, So Bye!

Virginia has been so busy lately!

One of the top deputies to Virginia's new Republican attorney general had to delete her own job Thursday after the Washington Post started asking questions about Facebook posts in which she had called the January 6 insurrectionists "patriots," and others in which she insisted Donald Trump had for sure won the 2020 election. The former deputy AG, Monique Miles, had at least three different Facebook accounts, some pseudonymous, on which she had

espoused unfounded conspiracy theories about voter fraud and election interference in more than a dozen Facebook comments that spanned months. Four people who interacted with Miles on Facebook confirmed the authenticity of the posts.

Oh, and because we live in a world where reality is too improbable for a "Veep" plotline, Ms. Miles worked as "deputy attorney general for government operations and transactions," a job whose remit included

representing the state in election-related litigation and giving legal advice to the state Department of Elections and its governing body, the state Board of Elections, on various matters.

Honestly, we're wondering whether there might be something more yet to be reported about Miles, because since when is believing in crazy conspiracy theories about the 2020 election disqualifying for a Republican official who oversees elections?

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TN Judge Sentences Woman To Six Years For Attempting To Register To Vote While Black

No, a different woman.

A judge in Memphis, Tennessee, threw the book at voting rights activist Pamela Moses this week for the crime of illegally trying to register to vote in 2019. Moses was on probation for a 2015 felony conviction, but says she was never told that the conviction took away her right to vote. What's more, Tennessee state officials admit they made a number of mistakes that led to Moses thinking it was actually legal to vote, although that didn't seem to matter to the prosecutor who pursued the stiffest possible sentence, or to Judge Mark Ward, who insisted that Moses had "tricked" the officials into signing documents saying it was OK for her to vote. On Monday, Ward sentenced Moses to six years and a day in state prison.

Moses has said from the start that she made a mistake, but the state has treated her as the most dangerous frauder that ever tried to steal an election, although she never actually completed the registration process in 2019; her application was denied due to the prior conviction. Moses was convicted in November of "making or consenting to false information on an election document."

Last night on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow contrasted the heavy sentence given to Moses with the slaps on the wrist handed to four white men who deliberately voted fraudulently for Donald Trump in the 2020 election:

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2020 presidential election

Here Are Some Of The 9,572,802 Ways Trump Tried To Steal The Election

These filthy sumbitches were throwing it all against the wall.

How many ways did Trump try to steal the election? ALLLLLL the ways. Literally every day we are bombarded with stories of new schemes to hold on to power after being definitively booted out by the American people. If we covered them all, we'd write about nothing else. So, to spare you all having to look at his demented orange face all day, let's round up the morning's outrage in one post.

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more ...

Another wackass memo? And this one involves the NSA? What could possibly go wrong!

The Washington Post has a long article about the descent into conspiracy theory madness that took hold of the GOP after the election. In this latest episode, failed Republican congressional candidate Michael Del Rosso, who gadded around DC for the past decade spouting rightwing security theories and describes himself as a former Trump surrogate, was flogging a memo that proposed using “NSA unprocessed raw signals data” to prove "foreign involvement in both the violent 'Color Revolution' the U.S. is presently undergoing and specifically the 2020 Election fraud and their involvement in altering the vote counts in the 2020 election."

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