
Angry White Men is a website devoted to exposing white nationalists, adherents of the alt-right movement, and other neo-reactionaries. For the uninitiated, there will be numerous confusing and bizarre terms used by these various factions which require some explanation. Here, readers can gain a better understanding of some of the terminology used by the people whom I write about.


A. Wyatt Mann
Annudda Shoah
Autistic Screeching
Ben Garrison
Bix Nood
Black Run Amerika
Clown World
Cultural Enrichment
Cultural Marxism
Current Year
Dark Enlightenment
Dem Programs
Dindu Nuffin
Electric Jew
Fake News
Fashy Haircut
Fellow White People
Gibs Me Dat
God Emperor
Hand Rubbing
Happy Merchant
Hate Facts
Helicopter Ride
Hey Rabbi, Watcha Doin’?
Human BioDiversity
Le 56% Face
Learn to Code
Moon Man
Muh Dik


110 And Never Again
Oy Vey, Shut It Down!
Pepe the Frog
Piss Earth
Pool Party
Race Traitor
Red Pill
Remove Kebab
Reverse Echoes
Shoah Survivor
6 Gorillion
Skull Mask
13 Do 50
Virtue Signal
We Wuz Kangz
White Genocide
Yang Gang
You Will Not Replace Us


  • Accelerationism – In white supremacist circles, “accelerationism” refers to the belief that a homeland for white, non-Jews can only be achieved by causing societal collapse. Accelerationists openly support acts of mass murder and terrorism, especially when committed against religious and racial minorities, and often hail people who commit such acts as “saints.”

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Alt Right
  • Alt-Right – A term given to a constellation of white nationalists, Neo-Nazis, Neo-fascists, Dark Enlightenment thinkers, and other far-right ideologues who rose to prominence from 2015 to 2017. A hallmark of the “alt-right” was the use of irony and pop culture to promote toxic, reactionary politics. The term was reportedly coined by white nationalist Richard Spencer as far back as 2008, but, as of 2019, appears to have largely fallen out of favor among those who used to embrace the term.

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  • A. Wyatt Mann – The pseudonym of Nick Bougas, a cartoonist who penned numerous racist illustrations for the group White Aryan Resistance (W.A.R.) in the 1990s. By far his most famous pieces that have been adopted by the alt-right are the “Happy Merchant” cartoon (an antisemitic caricature of a hook-nosed Jew) and one with the caption “Around Blacks Never Relax.”

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Anime Nazi
  • #AnimeRight – While users of 4chan and its sister site 8chan have long used screenshots from anime (oftentimes hentai), this facetious term came into prominence on the alt-right after Republican strategist Rick Wilson claimed most alt-righters are “childless single men who masturbate to anime.”

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  • Annudda Shoah – A phrase used to mock Jews who (supposedly) use every slight against them to express concern that another Shoah, or Holocaust, could be around the corner. The alt-right website The Right Stuff defines it as simply a “displeasing situation.” See Shoah

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Autistic Screeching
  • Autistic Screeching – A meme that originated on the Anarchyball Facebook page and spread to Reddit and /pol/ respectively. It generally shows two people shaking hands in agreement and a third person crouching with the caption “autistic screeching.” A representation of a person having a meltdown during a political discussion.

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  • Ben Garrison – A Montana-based political cartoonist and self-described libertarian whose cartoons often carry pro-Trump, anti-liberal, racist, and transphobic themes. Neo-Nazis took things a step further by splicing his cartoons with the artwork of Nick Bougas to make them grossly antisemitic — all while leaving his signature on them.

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Bix Nood
  • Bix Nood – A nonsense phrase derived from a racist cartoon by Nick Bougas which depicts an African-American speaking gibberish into a cell phone. Popular among white supremacists and members of 4chan.

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  • Black Run Amerika – A term used by various white supremacist websites to signify the current state of multicultural America. In Black Run Amerika — a nation becoming increasingly black and brown — African-Americans have disproportionate power, and anyone who speaks out about racial differences and black-on-white crimes is ostracized and condemned. Often abbreviated as “BRA”.

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  • Blormpf – A parody of “Drumpf” — the surname of Donald Trump’s ancestors before it was changed — which was used by liberals to mock then-candidate Trump in 2016. “Blormpf” is now almost exclusively used by white supremacists who once supported Trump but have grown disillusioned with what they see as his administration’s impotency and/or overt allegiance to Israel. It is often coupled with a deeply distorted photo of Trump.

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  • Bowlcut – The haircut sported by Dylann Roof, the white supremacist terrorist who murdered 9 worshipers in a historically black church in Charleston, SC. Devotees of Roof often refer to themselves as the “Bowl Patrol” and photoshop his hairstyle onto pictures of themselves and others.

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  • Bugman – A rootless, consumerist corporate drone, the “small-souled bugman” could be viewed as the millennials’ answer to “yuppies.” Sometimes viewed as having low testosterone and an ugly, insect-like phisognomy. However, a precise definition is still being hotly contested on alt-right forums such as 4chan and My Posting Career.

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  • Clown World – Refers to the alt-right belief that the world is so politically correct, illogical, and insane that it might as well be ruled by clowns. See Piss Earth.

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  • Coincidence/Cohencidence – A derisive response to liberals’ claims that it is merely a coincidence that high-profile liberal journalists, CEOs, and politicians are Jewish. Is sometimes spelled “cohencidence” — a portmanteau of the Jewish surname “Cohen” and “coincidence” — by trolls who are more overt in their antisemitism.

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  • Cuck – Short for “cuckold,” “cuck” is a term derived from a genre of pornography which depicts a man (usually white) watching his wife have sex with another man (usually black). It is used to describe weak men who are viewed as having betrayed their white countrymen by catering to non-white immigrants. See Race Traitor; see also Cuckservative.

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  • Cuckservative – A portmanteau of the terms “cuckold” and “conservative”, cuckservative is a derisive term used by white nationalists to describe social conservatives who promote amnesty for immigrants, support multiculturalism, and hold civil rights icons such as Martin Luther King, Jr. in high regard. Republican politicians such as John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Mitt Romney are derided as cuckservatives. See Race Traitor.

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  • Cultural Enrichment – A euphemism for problems white nationalists believe are associated with large minority or immigrant populations, including rapes, riots, murders, etc.

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  • Cultural Marxism – The conspiracy theory which posits that a group of Jewish academics who fled Nazi Germany and created the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory, a far-left political and philosophical movement, plotted to erode the foundations of Western society through feminism, sexual liberation, homosexuality, multiculturalism, and religious pluralism.

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Current Year
  • Current Year – “The current year” is a phrase used to poke fun at liberals who bemoan the continuing presence of discrimination. For example, “I can’t believe we’re still dealing with racism in 2020.”

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  • Dem Programs – Government programs that provide public assistance or funding for public schools with the goal of benefiting minority groups. See Gibs Me Dat.

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  • Dindu – A racial epithet used to describe black people, particularly young, black men. Derived from the phrase “dindu nuffin.” See Dindu Nuffin.

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  • Dindu Nuffin – A bastardization of the phrase “He didn’t do nothin'” — used to mock the black community’s reaction to the arrest or murder of unarmed African-Americans.

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  • DR3 – Abbreviation for “Dems R Real Racists,” used by white nationalists to mock conservatives (e.g. Dinesh D’Souza) who pander to people of color by claiming Democrats are the party of racism and the Ku Klux Klan.

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  • Echoes – The echoes meme consists of placing three or more sets of parentheses or brackets around Jewish names or words and phrases with Jewish connotations; for example, (((bankers))). The meme started on the popular alt-right podcast The Daily ShoahSee Reverse Echoes.

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  • Electric Jew – A television, since white nationalists believe that Jews control the media and most programming exists to brainwash whites.

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  • Fake News – Any news from reputable, mainstream media outlets that contradicts the deeply held beliefs of Donald Trump or the alt-right.

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  • Fash – Shorthand for fascist, “fash” or “fashy” can be used not just as a descriptor for one’s political preferences, but also culture and fashion (e.g., Fash the Nation or “fashy haircut”).

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  • Fellow White People – Refers to activists and authors of liberal think-pieces who identify as both Jewish and white, and who address their audience with “Fellow white people…” White nationalists often react to this “deception” by exclaiming “Every single time!”

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  • Feral – A dog whistle slur that refers to young, black men.

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  • 1488 – The number 14 references David Lane‘s white supremacist “14 Words” slogan: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.” 88 is shorthand for Heil Hitler, since H is the eighth letter of the alphabet.

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  • 4chan – An imageboard website populated by Internet trolls, conspiracy theorists, Neo-Nazis, and other malcontents. Spawned the hacktivist group Anonymous and its anti-Scientology protests, the misogynistic Gamergate movement, and numerous alt-right/antisemitic memes.

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  • Gab – A social media platform that bills itself as the “free speech alternative” to Twitter. It has become popular among white supremacist Twitter users whose accounts are suspended due to hate speech or targeted harassment.

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  • #Gamergate – A reactionary and misogynist movement that originated on 4chan with the purpose of harassing feminists and female game developers while claiming to be motivated by “ethics in games journalism.”

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  • Gassed – Another way of saying a person was suspended from Twitter, as well as a reference to Hitler exterminating Jews in gas chambers. See Shoah.

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  • Gibs Me Dat – A bastardization of the phrase “Give me that,” which is used to suggest that African-Americans demand government handouts in return for not rioting or committing other violent acts. Sometimes shortened to “Gibs.”

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  • Goblina – A variation of the Le 56% Face meme that arose specifically to target Parkland shooting survivor and Cuban-American Emma González. The word is faux-Spanish for “goblin” and can be used as a general insult to anyone of Latinx descent. See Le 56% Face.

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God Emperor Trump
  • God Emperor – The alt-right’s nickname for Donald Trump from 2015 until after he took office in 2017.

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  • Goy – Once just a Jewish term that meant a non-Jew, the word goy has been adopted by white nationalists and antisemites. People who identify as alt-right or white nationalist often jokingly refer to themselves and one another as “goy” or its plural, “goyim.”

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  • GRID – Gay-related immune deficiency, the antiquated term for AIDS. Used by the alt-right for its anti-gay connotations.

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  • Groyper – A variation of Pepe the frog with interlocked hands, Groyper has been described as a “toad” who is “friends with Pepe.” The image likely stemmed from a 2016 post on 4chan’s /v/ board, while the name might have come from /r9k/ user “Big Dog Groyper.”

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  • GTKRWN – This acronym stands for “Gas The Kikes, Race War Now,” a slogan that is particularly popular among the accelerationist wing of the white supremacist movement (e.g., Atomwaffen Division).

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Hand Rubbing
  • Hand Rubbing – A close-up shot of the Happy Merchant meme used to signify Jewish plotting. Sometimes the standalone image is used while other times it includes the caption “Hand Rubbing Intensifies.” See Happy Merchant.

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Happy Merchant
  • Happy Merchant – A caricature of a scheming Jew with exaggerated features (hunched figure, large nose, crooked teeth, curly hair, etc.) drawn by Nick Bougas in the 1990s. The image has been adopted and frequently altered by antisemites, including images in which a mask is placed over the character’s face to imply Jews are pretending to be white or are otherwise trying to conceal their identities. See Merchant.

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  • Hate Facts – Any facts that liberals reject, not because of their falsity, but because of their perceived offensiveness. This includes statistics on the subjects of race and IQ, race and crime, the immutability of homosexuality, and more.

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Helicopter Ride
  • Helicopter Ride – A reference to late fascist dictator Augusto Pinochet, whose army executed over one hundred dissidents by hurling them from helicopters into the ocean or rivers. A common joke among fascists/white nationalists is to inform liberals that they will be thrown from helicopters or given helicopter “rides.”

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Hey Rabbi
  • Hey Rabbi, Watcha Doin’? – A phrase borrowed from a Nick Bougas cartoon depicting a Jewish caricature dressed in a trenchcoat and vandalizing his own synagogue with antisemitic graffiti. The implication is that antisemitic hate crimes are hoaxes perpetrated by Jews to gain sympathy.

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Honk Honk
  • Honkler – A version of Pepe the Frog dressed as a clown with a rainbow wig and red nose, Honkler was originally posted alongside jokes and bad punchlines. In early 2019 the image found its way to 4chan’s /s4s/ board with the caption “Honk Honk.” Meanwhile, posters on 4chan’s /pol/ discussed how to transform “Honkler” into a hate symbol.

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  • Huhwhite – The phonetic spelling of how white nationalist Jared Taylor pronounces the word “white.”

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  • Human BioDiversity – Refers to supposed genetic differences between different “races” of humans. These differences often involve IQ, ability, and behavior amongst different racial groups. Often abbreviated as “HBD”.

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  •  HWNDU – The acronym for “He Will Not Divide Us,” the title of actor Shia LaBeouf’s live streamed, anti-Trump performance piece that was later crashed by alt-right activists.

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  • Incel – Short for “involuntary celibate,” an incel is a man who, despite his best efforts, cannot lose his virginity. Some — though not all — incels harbor deeply misogynistic and violent fantasies. Famous incels who have committed acts of violence include Elliot Rodger, Christopher Harper-Mercer, Alek Minassian, and Scott Beierle.

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  • Journofa – A slur used by white nationalists to refer to journalists who write stories critical of them. A portmanteau of “journalist” and “antifa,” the term “journofa” implies that a journalist has crossed the line between reporting and anti-fascist activism.

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  • JQ – Short for “Jewish Question” — a phrase with Nazi roots — the JQ refers to the belief that Jews have a disproportionate amount of control over the media, the business world, politics, etc. Being JQ’d is the overtly antisemitic equivalent of being redpilled. See Red Pill.

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  • Kek1) Another way of saying “lol,” derived from the MMORPG World of Warcraft, or 2) an Egyptian god of chaos and darkness who took the form of a frog. Adopted by the alt-right which jokingly claims Pepe as its modern-day avatar. See Pepe the Frog.

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  • Learn to Code – An insult directed at laid-off liberal journalists based on the lie that they taunted out-of-work coal miners by telling them to code. Originally created on 4chan with the goal of bullying journalists into committing suicide.

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Le 56% Face
  • Le 56% Face – A crude caricature representing mixed-race Americans who identify as white, which stems from a statistic that white people are 56% of the U.S. population. Also referred to as the “Amerimutt.”

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  •  MAGA – The acronym of Donald Trump’s campaign slogan: Make America Great Again.

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  • MGTOW – Short for “Men Going Their Own Way”, the MGTOW movement consists of men who, fed up with women and society, make the decision to live off the grid — a kind of “Going Galt” for misogynists.

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  • Merchant – A slur used to refer to Jews. Most likely a reference to the antisemitic stereotype of Jews as moneylenders and the more modern “Happy Merchant” meme.

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  • Milk – The beverage of choice for the white supremacists who crashed Shia LaBeouf’s now shuttered art project. After Mic reported on the incident and referred to their gallons of whole milk as the new “symbol of white racial purity,” alt-right Twitter accounts began using the bottle of milk emoji in their user names.

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  • Moon Man – Once known as McDonald’s mascot Mac Tonight, white nationalists and Neo-Nazis appropriated the crescent moon-headed character and nicknamed him Moon Man. A common practice is using text-to-speech programs to create racist rap parodies from Moon Man’s perspective.

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  • Muh Dik – Derived from a racist stereotype, the phrase implies that black men are primitive and spend time boasting about the size of their penises. As a verb, “muh dik” is used as a euphemism for rape, especially of white women.

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  • Nibba – A censored version of “nigga” used by trolls who want to avoid running afoul of Twitter’s terms of service.

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  • Nog – Short for “nig-nog,” a racial slur used against blacks.

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  • Normie – A regular person who is not a troll, incel, white nationalist, fascist, etc. “Normies” are, essentially, the outgroup.

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  • NPC – The NPC, or non-playable character, depicts liberals as blank, robotic and unable to think for themselves. Often captioned with stock phrases like “Orange man bad.”

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  • Ovens – A reference to Adolf Hitler’s crematoria, used to dispose of the bodies of dead and sickly concentration camp prisoners. Antisemitic trolls often post the phrase “Fire up the ovens!” in the social media feeds of Jews and liberals.

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  • 110 And Never Again – This phrase draws upon the claim that the Jewish people were, over the centuries, expelled from 109 countries. It implies that there will be a final — or 110th — expulsion of Jews from majority-white nations in North America and Europe.

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  • Oy Vey, Shut It Down! – Used whenever an alt-right website is shut down or a fundraising campaign is suspended, which they usually believe to be the handiwork of the Jews.

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Pepe SS
  • Pepe the Frog – A cartoon frog created by artist Matt Furie for his 2005 comic strip Boy’s Club. The anthropomorphic frog was appropriated by white nationalists as their mascot, whom they often depict as a Nazi, a Klansman, Donald Trump, etc.

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Piss Earth
  • Piss Earth – The hopeless, dystopian future that will occur if “clown world” continues to fall apart at its current trajectory. An article for The American Sun, titled “PissEarth, 2025”, describes it as a world in which “debt-ridden PhDs hustle from gig-to-gig, chasing bounties that allow you to snitch on anyone insufficiently committed to diversity” — among other supposed horrors.

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  • Pizzagate – The far-right conspiracy theory which alleges that a secret child sex-trafficking ring is being run out of a Washington, D.C. pizzeria by Hillary Clinton and her former campaign staffers.

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  • Pool Party – The name used by white nationalist website The Right Stuff to refer to its real life meetups.

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  • Poz -A term that was originally embraced by HIV+ men, Poz is also used by white nationalists either as a slur against gays or, more broadly, a form of social degeneracy in which harmful things are accepted instead of stigmatized.

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  • PUA – An acronym for “pickup artist,” a PUA is someone (usually male) who practices the “art” of attracting and seducing sexual partners through varying techniques collectively known as “game.”

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  • Race Traitor – A white, non-Jewish man or woman whose actions and beliefs are perceived to be against the interests of the white race, including marrying or associating with non-whites, supporting anti-racist policies and social change, voicing opposition to white racism, etc.

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  • RaHoWa – Short for “Racial Holy War,” a phrase used to signify a belief in white power circles that whites should take up arms and fight a race war against Jews and non-whites. Originated with Matthew Hale’s World Church of the Creator, now known as the Creativity Movement.

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  • Rapefugee – A portmanteau of “rape” and “refugee,” the word indicates the belief on the alt-right that Syrian (and other non-white) refugees are responsible for a great number of rapes and sexual assaults against white European and American women. They believe these attacks, such as the one which occurred in Cologne, Germany, are being downplayed or covered up by the media.

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Red Pilled
  • Red Pill – A reference to the popular Matrix trilogy, in which the main character Neo (played by Keanu Reeves) is offered the choice of taking a red or blue pill. The red pill would allow Neo to see the world as it really is, while the blue pill would allow him to remain in blissful ignorance. Used by MRAs, MGTOW and white nationalists to describe their awakening to a world dominated by feminists and/or racial minorities.

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  • Remove Kebab – A euphemism for the Bosnian genocide that supposedly originated with a musical tribute to war criminal Radovan KaradĹľi called “SERBIA STRONG!” Used to describe the ethnic cleansing of Muslims and people of Middle Eastern descent. Played by white supremacist terrorist Brenton Tarrant shortly before his livestreamed massacre at Christchurch, New Zealand.

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  • Reverse Echoes – A corollary to the popular echo meme, the reverse echoes are used by white nationalists to indicate that they are surrounded by Jews and Jewish influence; for example, )))the alt-right(((. The reverse echoes were popularized on Twitter after Jews and Jewish allies placed parentheses around their own user names to mock white nationalists and/or show solidarity with Jews.

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  • Shekels – A unit of Israeli currency that is often used in a derogatory fashion while discussing Jews or Jewish control. One headline from The Daily Stormer website, for example, read “Jewed-Out Politicians Getting Mad Shekels from Jews.”

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  • Shoah – The Hebrew word for “calamity,” “Shoah” has long been used as another name for the Holocaust. In alt-right circles, “Shoah” is used far more flippantly to describe inconveniences such as having one’s social media account suspended. (E.g., “My Twitter account was just Shoah’d.”)

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  • Shoah Survivor – Someone whose Twitter account was suspended multiple times.

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  • 6 Gorillion – A fictitious number that implies the number of Jews who died in the Holocaust was vastly inflated.

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  • Skittles – A seldom-used euphemism for Muslims or Middle Easterners. Stems from a meme tweeted by Donald Trump Jr. depicting a bowl of Skittles along with the caption “If I had a bowl of skittles [sic] and I told you just three would kill you. Would you take a handful? That’s our Syrian refugee problem.”

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Skull Mask
  • Skull Mask – The disguise favored by white supremacists, particularly those in Atomwaffen Division and its offshoots. White supremacists sometimes place skull masks on their avatars to signal a belief in accelerationism.

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  • SJW – Short for “Social Justice Warrior”, SJW is a derisive term used by the reactionary Right to describe feminists, anti-racists, proponents of LGBTQ rights, and other social progressives. Used interchangeably with other similarly derisive terms (e.g. Cultural Marxists).

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  • Sonnenrad – The sonnenrad or “sunwheel” is an ancient European symbol appropriated by the Nazis. In turn, white nationalists and Neo-Nazis have likewise adopted the symbol.

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  • Soyboy – A term for effeminate men, stemming from the myth that consumption of soy products leads to a drastic decrease in testosterone.

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  • Stacy – The Chad’s female counterpart, a Stacy is a young, attractive woman who sleeps with alpha males.

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13 Do 50
  • 13 Do 50 – A phrase intended to convey the message that black people are inherently violent. “13” refers to the estimated percentage of African-Americans, while “50” refers to the total percentage of murders they supposedly commit. Sometimes expressed as 13/50, 13/52, or even 13/90 (what white supremacists believe is the percentage of interracial violent crimes committed by black people).

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  • Thot – A misogynistic term for promiscuous women, thot literally stands for “that ho over there.”

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  • Vibrant – Typically meaning something that is bright and colorful, “vibrant” is often used in white nationalist circles as a euphemism for non-whites.

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  • Virtue Signal – The practice of liberals attempting to show off how virtuous and tolerant they are without taking any meaningful action.

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We Wuz Kangz
  • We Wuz Kangz – Originally a rebuttal to the Afrocentric “Black Egyptian Hypothesis” which posits that ancient Egypt was a black civilization, and that pharaohs such as Tutankhamen were actually black. Increasingly used by white nationalists to ridicule most historical achievements by black people.

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  • White Genocide – A popular white nationalist conspiracy alleging that immigration, interracial relationships, and abortion are being pushed on white countries to bring about the destruction of the white race.

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Yang Gang
  • Yang Gang – The name given to the (sometimes ironic) fanbase of 2020 Democratic candidate Andrew Yang, whose political platform included a universal basic income of $1,000 per month. Yang became a meme among white nationalists fed up with the failures of the Trump presidency.

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  • You Will Not Replace Us – The racist and antisemitic slogan of the hate group Identity Evropa, sometimes abbreviated as YWNRU on banners. Chanted by white nationalists during their August 2017 march on UVA.

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  • ZOG – A white supremacist acronym that stands for “Zionist Occupied Government.” Indicates a belief that the U.S. government is controlled by Jews.

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