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The depths of the valleys on a key act like a code that must match the lock. Robin Smith/The Image Bank via Getty Images

How do keys open locks?

By pairing solar power and battery storage, hybrids can keep providing electricity after dark. Petmal via Getty Images

Meet the power plant of the future: Solar + battery hybrids are poised for explosive growth

The largest category of power plants applying to connect to the US grid are now solar, and over a third of those are hybrids that include battery storage.
Video calls often show people an image of themselves. SDI Productions/E+ via Getty Images

Staring at an image of yourself on Zoom has serious consequences for mental health – especially for women

Mirrors, selfies and knowing other people are looking at you all cause people to think of themselves as objects. Video calls are all three in one and are likely increasing the harms of self-objectification.
Tourists cross a hanging bridge in the treetops of Costa Rica’s Monteverde cloud forest. Matthew Williams-Ellis/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Protecting biodiversity – and making it accessible – has paid off for Costa Rica

Tourism revenues account for almost 10% of Costa Rica’s gross domestic product. New research shows that charismatic wildlife is necessary but not sufficient to attract ecotourists.
Common hazel dispersing pollen in early spring. Arterra/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Achoo! 5 essential reads for pollen season

Pollen brings seasonal misery to millions of Americans, but it serves a critical purpose: fertilizing many kinds of plants, including food crops.

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