Misogynists Wonder Why Women Refuse To Listen To Their Amazing Advice

In a December 18, 2019 episode of The Red Man Group, white nationalist YouTube personality Stefan Molyneux sat down with a panel of similarly aggrieved men to discuss why ladies just don’t listen to men these days. Unsurprisingly, the answers were what one would expect from a “pro-man, pro-father, pro-masculinity” podcast.

According to the panel — made up of Molyneux, Anthony Johnson, Doomsday Jesus (“DDJ”), Noah Revoy, and Donovan Sharpe — men have plenty of great advice for women these days, but women are too emotional and brainwashed to listen.

Molyneux, who believes women use makeup to hold power over men and recently tweeted some gross things about Taylor Swift’s eggs, told the panelists that “the idea, of course, that men have something to say, that women need to hear, goes very much against the narrative.” Molyneux didn’t specify what, exactly, women needed to hear.

Noah Revoy, who owns a website that specializes in “sexual market value” — grifter-speak for ranking the desirability of men and women — and wants to “end feminism,” claimed that women have been “indoctrinated” through “propaganda.” He also praised the West’s “patriarchal culture” that protected women and children, which he said enabled Athens to flourish.

Host Donovan Sharpe remarked that he “heard recently on a show that I did a while back [that] you can’t make a woman submit to you.” Rather, he said, the “act of submission is simply relinquishing control” and a man “need[s] to make her want to do it.” He went on to say that women tend to “self-destruct” because it is their “automatic programming.”

Predictably, Sharpe has written multiple articles for ex-pickup guru Roosh Valizadeh’s misogynistic and homophobic website Return of Kings, including “7 Ways Women Are Just Like Abandoned Dogs” and “5 Reasons Women Deserve To Be Paid Less Than Men.”

DDJ claimed that women refuse to listen to men due to what he calls the “multi-generational destruction of the family” as a result of the “promotion of divorce” and “demonization of men” and “misandry.” Relying on typical sexist manosphere tropes, DDJ accused young women of “rid[ing] the cock carousel” and pursuing careers while their eggs die.

Sharpe added to this torrent of bullshit by saying women are inspired to focus on their careers by “celebri-sluts” like Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian West — women, he said, “who appear to have it all.” Revoy then called women “emotional amplifiers” who, when “fed some sort of emotional signal,” turn it from “a four” to “an eight or a ten.”

Revoy suggested that the only way women can be forced to leave the feminist movement, which he likened to a “cult,” is to “shock” them out of it.

“I’ve had some people say you know ‘The message seems really strong, and maybe it needs to be toned down a little, a little more soft and gentle for women,'” he said. “And we have a million soft and gentle messages for women. There are a lot of men out there trying to reason with women in soft and gentle ways and it’s not working.”

DDJ chimed in to say that “women like it rough,” prompting the other panelists to laugh. (Molyneux was the only panelist to slightly push back on this statement by saying they shouldn’t “generalize to that extent.”)

Clearly the problem is that their sage advice is being ignored because women are irrational, emotional, and brainwashed, and not because of the panelists’ utter cluelessness. Next year, they’ll get a chance to reiterate this message at the 22 Convention — a meeting of men’s rights activists, Men Going Their Own Way, and other flavors of extremism — in Orlando.

The event is a project of 21 Studios — itself the creation of panelist Anthony Johnson — and carries the cringe-inducing tagline “Make Women Great Again.” The list of confirmed speakers includes date rape apologist and Pizzagate pusher Mike Cernovich, “fitness guru” Alexander J.A. Cortes (who has unorthodox views on depression and dyed hair), and, of course, Molyneux himself.

[The following clips are from an hour and fifty minute show.]