Return of Kings Writer: German Government ‘Cuckolded’ White Men by Promoting Interracial Relationships

Ku Klux Klan Protest

Recently, some far-right, racist websites (e.g., Breitbart News) alerted their readers to a sinister German plot to eliminate the white race by promoting interracial sex between white women and Syrian men. Or something. A few days ago the perpetually aggrieved columnists at Roosh Valizadeh’s Return of Kings website sounded off on this, er, crisis.

To be clear, the article is describing what is tantamount to a benign, if not somewhat silly, state-sponsored sex education program for migrants.

Yes, the website in question discusses things like various sexual positions and proper dating etiquette, but it also provides valuable information on contraception and reproductive health. However, RoK writer Jean-Batave Poqueliche sees this as some sort of multicultural conspiracy, and accuses the German government of having “cuckolded” white, German men.

“The problem is that what the government depicts as being normal pushes the idea without naming it—that interracial sex is the norm, that the country’s native men are weak, and young German women are the prize for migrants to impregnate and have sex with,” Poqueliche asserted.

The website’s explanatory video was created by a Flemish company with Belgian ties called Sensoa, which Poqueliche finds doubly sinister. After all, the company — in the columnist’s words — supports “homosexual rights, migrants reproducing in Europe, gender equality and gender flexibility, abortion, and fights against sexual violence.”

“The myth of “rape culture” is beaten into the skull of native born Germans (and white heterosexual males worldwide) while migrants are not punished and act in total impunity,” he added, perhaps unaware that the very sexual assaults he’s alluding to may not even have been illegal in Germany. Yes, you read that correctly. German law actually requires that a woman physically resist her assailant in order to prove that a crime has actually been committed.

Incidentally, this is the very rape culture that feminists so often decry. Perhaps he would know this if he weren’t so busy condemning the website’s “advice on consensual and interracial relationships.”

Indeed, the idea that non-white men and white women somewhere might be having sex and reproducing appears to be his sole complaint. Based on the website’s stock cartoon images of dark-skinned men in various sexual positions with white women, he claims that the German government is pushing the idea that “reproductive, enjoyable sex and children are for migrants and white German women only,” while “[m]asturbation, talking, cuddling, and the occasional non-reproductive oral is how German men have sex.”

Worse still, the cartoons depict white men as either skinny and bald or obese, the cartoons on contraception do not depict any white women, and the cartoon on sterilization depicts a white man. He even takes pains to point out that the the white cartoon male’s cartoon penis is the smallest one shown.

Instead of desperately weaving together these pieces of non-evidence together to create a racist conspiracy theory, perhaps he should heed the advice (supposedly) of Sigmund Freud: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

The German Government recently put online a website called Zanzu, my body in words and images, that “explains sexual and reproductive health” in the West to migrants…

The problem is that what the government depicts as being normal pushes the idea without naming it—that interracial sex is the norm, that the country’s native men are weak, and young German women are the prize for migrants to impregnate and have sex with. It is an additional direct action taken by the country’s elite to make their native people disappear in favour of “equality” and “multi-culturalism,” helping them to remain in power by destroying the feelings of nationalism and unity that could question their authority.

The video was created by the German Government’s Federal Centre for Health Education and the Flemish company Sensoa, that have seats in the Belgian parliament but also run campaigns and websites to make people more aware of sexual health is (according to them). It is financed by the Belgian taxpayers, who see their taxes being used yet again for the promotion of multiculturalism and migrant-native reproduction.

From their About section, Sensoa mainly supports homosexual rights, migrants reproducing in Europe, gender equality and gender flexibility, abortion, and fights against sexual violence (The “White Rape Culture!” obviously, not traditional Muslim genital mutilation, dats raciss). It comes as no surprise that they are also a proud member, like Starbucks, of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. And it is indeed written in the section “Push the agenda.“

The “Relationship” section (the one that can challenge nature, and therefore MUST be under government control) is a flood of SJW and PC propaganda. What is love? Where man has forever asked himself this question without finding a finite answer, the German government tells you what love is.

. . .

The myth of “rape culture” is beaten into the skull of native born Germans (and white heterosexual males worldwide) while migrants are not punished and act in total impunity. They are proposed advice on consensual and interracial relationships. Treating them like irresponsible children is the solution that the German government sees as appropriate.

. . .

By depicting, on this website and many other platforms, the native German (and by extension the white population) as weak and the root of all evil, we observe the same tactic used to submit Germans by using the shame of their WW2 past.

The government has for Germany a new definition of sex: reproductive, enjoyable sex and children are for migrants and white German women only. Masturbation, talking, cuddling, and the occasional non-reproductive oral is how German men have sex.

This whole website is just a facade. A bogus solution to keep the Germans that are on the fence calm and the leftists strong in their self-righteousness.