
Congrats, Fellas! You're Closer To Getting Your Own Birth Control Pill

The pill was proven safe and effective in mice.

For decades, scientists have been searching for a birth control option for men other than condoms or vasectomies. There have even been some successful ones. They actually first created a safe and effective male birth control pill by accident in the 1950s, years before the female birth control pill was introduced, while trying to create a pill to treat parasitic worms. Unfortunately, the one major side effect it did have meant that it would never make it to market — men couldn't drink alcohol while taking it. At least not without getting unbelievably sick.

However, researchers from the University of Minnesota announced this week that a non-hormonal male birth control pill they developed is 99 percent effective in mice, with no observable side-effects at all.

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climate change

Joe Manchin Unveils Exciting New Reason To Screw Over Electric Vehicles!

Oh, look what he did with that football he was holding.

A couple weeks back, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) was talking about how he'd sure like to help Democrats get something done in Congress before the midterms, like maybe a spending plan that would roll back parts of the 2017 tax cuts and then use the new revenue to reduce the deficit and address climate change. As you'll recall, we were cautiously cautious in whatever optimism we could manage, given that Manchin owns a coal company and said the lesson of Russia's invasion of Ukraine is that we need at least as much fossil fuel expansion as green energy in order to tackle the climate emergency. Never mind that fossil fuels are causing the emergency.

This Fucking Guy Again

Hey Look! Joe Manchin's Holding A Football!

By Sheer Coincidence, Joe Manchin Made Half A Million Dollars Last Year Off Of Coal

Yup, identification confirmed: This is the right Joe Manchin all right, not a lookalike.

In his latest very Hot Take on climate — entirely too hot to prevent further planetary warming — Manchin said at an energy conference in Houston last week that he just doesn't see why we'd want to switch to electric vehicles at all, because China, don't you see.

I'm very reluctant to go down the path of electric vehicles. [...] I'm old enough to remember standing in line in 1974 trying to buy gas – I remember those days. I don't want to have to be standing in line waiting for a battery for my vehicle, because we're now dependent on a foreign supply chain – mostly China.

Seems a hell of a reach to use the prime example of overdependence on oil to argue we should rely more on oil, but then, it's Joe Manchin. On Christmas eve, visions of drilling rigs dance in his head.

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If Loving Putin Is Wrong, Trump Doesn't Want To Be Right

Not sure how we've made it six years without using that headline.

He just can't stop himself. He's not part of the action, but Donald Trump seems to really need Vladimir Putin to know that he's in the bleachers, wearing Putin's letterman jacket. So that's how we get Trump on Judge Boxwine's radio show explaining how Putin's brutal murderous invasion of Ukraine is, in his eyes, literally coming from Russia, with "love."

Yes, "love."

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Idaho House Passes Very Sane Bill: Life In Prison For Giving Medical Treatment To Trans Teens

Top that, Texas and Florida! Shit, did we say that out loud?

The state of Texas has a population of 29 million. Florida is home to about 21.5 million souls. Idaho, with just 1.8 million residents as of the last Census, has far less national economic and political influence, but in the March to Madness of rightwing states, it's always a contender for the title of Craziest Place In America. Florida just passed its "Don't Say Gay" bill that would prohibit mentioning LGBTQ people in primary schools, and a couple weeks back, Texas criminalized gender-affirming care for trans kids by executive fiat.

Now Idaho legislators, not to be outdone, want to send people to prison for life if they provide such gender-affirming care to minors — and to achieve that goal, the bill's sponsor wants to amend the state's existing law banning female genital mutilation. Yes, as I so frequently have to say about my state's legislature, really.

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