Conspiracy theories

OAN Idiot Chanel Rion Says Biden Is 'Groomer-In-Chief,' Lots Of Other Idiot Words Too

Yes, she still exists!

It seems almost cruel to make fun of One America News at this point on a national website. Hell, they've been kicked off so many platforms, kinda feels like breaking into an old folks home and knocking Nana off her chair while she's doing a puppet show for her friends.

But shit, George Soros doesn't pay Wonkette to be nice. Or for anything. He ought to start paying us.

Anyway, Chanel Rion, y'all remember her jackass? We used to make fun of her on the regular back when Donald Trump was in the White House and they let any old OAN mouthbreather into the press room. She's the one who used to get a serious journalist look on her face and ask Trump if the term "Chinese food" was racist.

Her internet bio says she "has been frequently described as one of Hillary Clinton's 'worst nightmares'." No really it says that.

Her website says she is the author of a popular mystery book series for girls that is totally different from other mystery books for girls, which are full of "manophobia, hatred, gender-confusion and blame." Wonkette investigated these books, and ... well, we couldn't find them.

She was homeschooled. :(

But about all that manophobia, hatred, gender confusion and blame! Rion went on her OAN show, which exists, and had some real fightin' words for Joe Biden, AKA the "groomer-in-chief," and also a bunch more fightin' words for transgender people and trans kids and a whole bunch of other stuff. It was exactly the kind of stream-of-consciousness babbling you'd expect from a journalist as esteemed as Rion.

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LIVE: Biden Takes Your Guns

Tyranny on WonkTV!

OK not really, Joe Biden is not taking your personal guns on live TV. He is, however, announcing some important gun safety measures.

Politico Playbook explained this morning part of what this is all about:

First: a new policy on “ghost guns.” Today, the administration will unveil a new rule to try and curb so-called ghost guns, untraceable firearms that lack serial numbers and are made from kits purchased online. The new rule isn’t a ban, but a change in how the government treats the kits, forcing buyers to “go through the same process they would have to go through to purchase a commercially made firearm,” a senior administration official told reporters on a call Sunday night. A.G. MERRICK GARLAND pens an op-ed for USA Today, posted this morning: “Ghost guns are real guns. And we'll regulate them to save lives”

Also: a new nominee to head ATF, named Steve Dettelback. PREDICTION: conservatives won't like him, because conservatives hate ATF and have been trying to destroy it forever.

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Press Briefing? Don't Mind If We Do!

Live on WonkTV!

It's Monday, so here we go with another week of these!

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But What Are The Nice And Good And Non-Horribles Saying About Ketanji Brown Jackson?

We'll leave the choads for morning.

Today the Senate voted 53-47 to confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the US Supreme Court, and we have a question: What title do we use for her in the time between today and her actual swearing-in sometime after the actual retirement of Justice Stephen Breyer? We bet nobody would mind if you call her "Justice Jackson" even if it's a little early. Let's take a moment to see what people who matter are saying about Jackson's historic confirmation, which means that you can read on in peace and contentment, because we'll hold off on the inevitable jerkwad reactions for tomorrow.

After presiding over the historic vote — we are unabashedly going to say "historic" a lot today! — Vice President Kamala Harris told reporters she was "overjoyed" and "deeply moved" by the confirmation:

There’s so much about what’s happening in the world now, that is presenting some of the worst of ... human behaviors. And then we have a moment like this, that I think reminds us that there is still so much yet to accomplish and that we can accomplish, including a day like today that is so historic and so important, for so many reasons.

Harris also said Jackson's confirmation

is a very important statement about who we are as a nation, that we have just made a decision to put this extraordinary jurist on the highest court of our land.

It’s a good statement about who we are.

Harris and President Biden will meet with Jackson tomorrow at the White House for an event to celebrate her confirmation.

[Washington Post]

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