January 6

MAGA Q Loon Called For Martial Law, Exhorted Militants To 'Make Those People Feel It Inside' Congress

And they did.

“If we make the people inside that building sweat and they understand that they may not be able to walk in the streets any longer if they do the wrong thing, then maybe they’ll do the right thing,” former Roger Stone ratfucking aide Jason Sullivan told a group of Trump supporters on December 30, 2020. “We have to put that pressure there.”

“There has to be a multiple-front strategy, and that multiple-front strategy, I do think, is descend on the Capitol, without question,” he said. “Make those people feel it inside.”

Which does sound a wee smidge incite-y, although don't get too excited since calling for protestors to "descend on Congress" seven days hence clearly fails the "imminence" test from Brandenberg v. Ohio, which refers to "imminent lawless action."

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Fox News Still Tingling At Prospect Of Elon Musk Breaking Twitter

They will never stop fornicating with that poultry.

Last week Elon Musk announced that he'd plunked down a couple billion dollars for a 9.2 percent stake in Twitter. You know, as one does when one is an eccentric billionaire whose net worth is more than that of Goldman Sachs, living in a country with preposterously unfair tax laws that allow such a thing to happen.

In short order, Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal announced that Musk would be joining the board of directors.

As if to pre-empt the haters who might point out that having a notoriously erratic guy who can afford to tank the company's stock in the boardroom might present some, uh, challenges, Agrawal's predecessor Jack Dorsey chimed in: "I’m really happy Elon is joining the Twitter board! He cares deeply about our world and Twitter’s role in it. Parag and Elon both lead with their hearts, and they will be an incredible team."

Musk rewarded their enthusiasm by wondering out loud for his 81 million followers if Twitter was "dying" because Barack Obama and Justin Bieber don't tweet enough, or something. This proved that if there's anyone on earth who can simultaneously piss into and out of a tent, it's this guy.

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Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Pinky Swears Trump Investigation Isn't Imploding Like A Trump Hotel

Pay no attention to the one million leaks coming out of his office that say otherwise.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is very hot for you to know that he is not dropping the ball on the Trump investigation.

Sure, the two outside lawyers brought in to lead the inquiry resigned, with white collar legend Mark Pomerantz writing that he "harbors no doubt about whether [Trump] committed crimes — he did," and yet "the investigation has been suspended indefinitely." And according to the Washington Post, the grand jury convened to hear evidence in the matter has been inactive and is scheduled to be disbanded this month.

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Police Seized $8,040 From Non-Criminal Woman And Now She Can't Get It Back

Civil asset forfeiture is messed up.

Here in the United States of America, one cannot be sent to prison for a crime unless they plead guilty or a jury of their peers finds them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Now, we all know that this doesn't always work out so well, but it's at least the general goal.

Also here in the United States of America, the police can take your money or your stuff and not give it back to you even if you are neither convicted of nor even charged with a crime.

In the case of Cristal Starling, police in Rochester, New York, raided her home in 2020 because they suspected that her boyfriend at the time was selling drugs. Though they didn't find drugs, they did find the $8,040 in cash Ms. Starling had saved up from running a mobile food cart to buy a food truck, so they just took that and her personal and work vehicles instead.

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