Stop aggrivating the giant!

1.5M ratings
277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

furthermore i truly believe you should eat a meal before making any big choices, confrontations, vents, etc. i promise 100% of the time you will feel better and more balanced with food in your stomach. you should never do anything that will have consequences on anything less than a full stomach



i want to kiss you on the lips for 1) saying orc instead of hobbit and 2) being like the only person out of 6k people to gender me correctly


had an enlightening conversation w my therapist this morning & feel obliged to share a little something i think we all need to hear from time to time 💛

it can be so easy to fall into the trap of obsessing over notes, or number of followers, and subsequently become discouraged if our work doesn’t meet a certain metric, regardless of the amazing quality of the writing. and, it is so easy to compare yourself with others, even though you are your own unique person.

i just want to remind you if you haven’t told yourself lately that regardless of how many notes or followers you have, your work is fantastic, it’s written from your heart, and your emotions are valid.

the fact that you were brave enough to share your work, which can sometimes feel like you’re exposing yourself to the whole world, should be celebrated.

you are good enough & you always will be.


not to sound too much like a millennial who has lived through two major economic downturns but like, i don't think banks should be able to give you 0.1% interest and call it a "high interest savings account" with a straight face. thanks for the 10¢ i guess, if i find a dime on the sidewalk i'll have doubled my free money for the month


and then turn around and say 6% is a low interest rate when you're the one paying them


“lgbt people have been harassed and killed for showing off their sexuality and talking about the fact they have sex, sex has played a fundamental role in lgbt history” and “not feeling sexual attraction can be extremely alienating and asexual people are welcome here since they do not fit into the stereotypical idea of sexuality” are both things that can coexist. you know that right. they don’t cancel each other out


Guy who learns kung fu, then realizes kung fu can be defeated by MMA so he learns that, then realizes MMA can be defeated by guns so he buys one, then realizes that guns can be defeated by law enforcement so he becomes a lawyer, then realizes that the law can be overthrown so he becomes a paramilitary general, then realizes that naked force can be enveloped by ideology so he becomes a religious leader, then realizes that ideology is primarily determined by the means of production so he becomes an inventor, then realizes that successful invention requires a finely honed mind so he becomes a psychologist, then realizes that the mind is just part of the body so he learns kung fu


kids on playgrounds go through this cycle everyday