Panic Moon

i don't know what i'm doing

32,534 notes





Apparently other top streaming services like Disney+ are considering it too.

It’s only a matter of time before solutions to profit-motivated problems under capitalism circle around to the same problem…and here we go.

(via wellspokenrambler)

Filed under fuck you I'll go back to just dvds

1,409 notes





home owners: I just want a house I can live in that will be my own that i can afford. not too picky.

people really invested in the housing market: you should move though, dont you want a new house. you should sell and buy another one. it is typical to buy a new house every couple of years! i do it all the time! dont you want something fancier. bigger? better? nicer location??? lock yourself in a different mortgage!

home owners: but this is my house? and theres a plague. i dont really want to move. affording things is already difficult.

people really invested in the housing market: anyway we should punish nasty home owners who wont sell their homes because their mortgage rates are low!


home owners: even with selling i wont be able to afford a comparable house at this rate


I think about this all the time!! Yea a home is the biggest investment of your life blah blah blah. I don’t want to look at the home I buy wondering how much profit I can make from selling it for a crazy higher price in a few years. I want a HOME and I want all others to also be able to have a home wtf is wrong w some people

they really want you to never get comfortable, as if all things should be subscription based, even your fucking home where you live 😭

housing should never be talked about like this

these people need to be shot out of housing discussions entirely. theyre totally useless and only serve to make things worse because their first method of solving all problems is austerity. just more and more financial penalties. thats why were here in the first place.

people cant afford homes and those who can afford homes view them as investments and not places people live.

disgusting. truly.

“yeah you know who i think could really solve this housing crisis? home owners with low mortgage rates. make them sell their homes for homes with higher mortgage rates that they definitely cant afford to pay, and then watch as more people become renters and homeless during a plague while motherfuckers like zillow buy up all available properties to raise housing costs even more”

(via wellspokenrambler)

14,840 notes


fatphobia robs the world of all joy and I think the faster people accept that the faster we can like. Improve and progress as a society. I’m saying this extremely seriously. We have got to get past this. Fucking sick of it. People lose their lives and years to this. Whole generations were ruined by these ideas and expectations.

(via wellspokenrambler)