Ted Smyth


President Adv Board Glucksman Ireland House NYU, Chair Clinton Institute for American Studies UCD. Formerly Irish diplomat, S&P Global, HJ Heinz, views my own.

New York
सहभागी: जून २००९


आपण @TedSmyth यांना अवरोधित केले आहे

आपणास निश्चितपणे ही ट्विट्स पहायची आहेत? तसे केल्याने @TedSmyth यांना अनब्लॉक केले जाणार नाही.

  1. २ तासांपूर्वी
    पूर्ववत् करा
  2. ८ तासांपूर्वी
    पूर्ववत् करा
  3. १० तासांपूर्वी

    Even in rural New Hampshire, home prices are soaring due to demand and the increased cost and scarcity of building and home materials Are soaring US property prices here to stay?

    पूर्ववत् करा
  4. १० तासांपूर्वी

    Important read here, what can Biden Admin do to increase shale drilling with proper safeguards?

    पूर्ववत् करा
  5. ११ तासांपूर्वी

    Essential read is right, corps have no choice but to take a position. Many MNCs and bright young people will leave states that destroy women's reproductive rights and economic agency.

    पूर्ववत् करा
  6. ४ मे

    Wise "For EU to show flexibility on implementation of NI Protocol is not to concede to British Gov or to DUP intransigence...it wd be an act of timely generosity: to allow enough light shine on NI to let good things grow. via

    पूर्ववत् करा
  7. ४ मे

    Good editorial : Tomorrow we will see, to paraphrase Yeats, if "the centre can hold" in NI by increasing the vote for Alliance, SDLP and UUP. No one will benefit from a Northern Ireland stalemate

    पूर्ववत् करा
  8. ४ मे

    50 basis points increase for the next two Fed meetings is likely scenario. US stocks rally after Powell takes bigger rate rise off table

    पूर्ववत् करा
  9. ४ मे

    A Christian nationalist? Could the leaders of the Catholic and Protestant denominations give clear guidance that being a Christian does not mean hating your neighbor! Doug Mastriano is a Christian nationalist who could be Pennsylvania's next governor

    पूर्ववत् करा
  10. ४ मे

    Good news on the British Government front Time for Brussels and London to agree on reforms based on maximum trust at the highest level. Then back to a united and sustained campaign to save Europe from tyranny!

    पूर्ववत् करा
  11. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    ४ मे

    Leader Schumer: "Let me say it again: The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe would have never been possible without Leader McConnell and Senate Republicans spending years packing our courts with hard right judges."

    पूर्ववत् करा
  12. ४ मे

    Very moving interview with Matt Murray "Russian torturers who claim to be believers in God but who are not able to see God." Ukraine's Zelensky on War and Humanitarian Effo... via

    पूर्ववत् करा
  13. ४ मे

    Bravo Americans have to defend reproductive rights for women against the minority's attacks on our values and tolerance. Gene Therapy: Don't thank Trump; this Supreme Court cataclysm is all Mitch via

    पूर्ववत् करा
  14. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    ४ मे

    “We can expect waiting times to increase as out-of-state patients pour in. Some will have illegal abortions. Some women will end up in prison. Some, facing pregnancy complications, will see necessary treatment postponed. Some will probably die.” Dark times

    पूर्ववत् करा
  15. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    ४ मे

    Trevor Noah: And isn’t it amazing, after all these years of the right screaming about the threats of Sharia Law, turns out they were just jealous?

    पूर्ववत् करा
  16. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    ३ मे

    Suppose you're a conservative Justice committed to overruling Roe and Casey. There were five votes for that result at Conference, and Justice Alito circulated a draft opinion memorializing it. Now, dissents are coming, and you're worried about losing the majority. What do you do?

    पूर्ववत् करा
  17. ४ मे

    Ireland and France have so much in common, historical alliances, values of liberty and justice, EU membership etc. Craic Cordiale

    पूर्ववत् करा
  18. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    ४ मे

    I’m contributing again to and hope you will consider supporting him. The last thing Ohio needs is an elitist Ivy League multi-millionaire investment banker like as a Senator. never tried to reinvent himself to suit a poll. He’s the real deal.

    पूर्ववत् करा
  19. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    ४ मे

    It's funny how the people talking loudest about the sanctity of the Supreme Court have nothing to say about Clarence Thomas sitting on cases tied to Ginni Thomas

    पूर्ववत् करा
  20. ४ मे

    As always with leaks, ask cui bono? This article resaons the right is probably trying to lock Roberts into a five vote majority and not support abortion until viable (23 weeks) A Supreme Court in Disarray After an Extraordinary Breach

    पूर्ववत् करा

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