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Brandeis University

Characterized by academic excellence since its founding in 1948, Brandeis is one of the youngest private research universities, as well as the only nonsectarian Jewish-sponsored college or university in the country.

Named for the late Justice Louis Dembitz Brandeis of the U.S. Supreme Court, Brandeis University combines the faculty and resources of a world-class research institution with the intimacy and personal attention of a small liberal arts college.

For students, that means unsurpassed access — both in and out of the classroom — to a faculty renowned for groundbreaking research, scholarship and artistic output. At Brandeis, professors bring newly minted knowledge straight from the field or lab to the graduate and undergraduate classrooms.

Brandeis supports an innovative and exciting program of learning that emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach to knowledge and the solution of real-life problems. Undergraduates, from the very first year, enjoy leadership positions and research opportunities typically available only to upperclass and graduate students.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 108 articles

Fresh grizzly bear tracks in Yellowstone National Park. Jacob W. Frank, NPS/Flickr

Linking protected areas from Yellowstone to the Yukon shows the value of conserving large landscapes, not just isolated parks and preserves

Parks and refuges are important for conservation, but without connections, they’re like islands. Linking them by protecting land in between makes it possible for wildlife to move over bigger areas.
A part of the fresco “Triumph of Galatea,” created by Raphael around 1512 for the Villa Farnesina in Rome. Art Images via Getty Images

What the mythical Cupid can teach us about the meaning of love and desire

A scholar of early Greek classics explains what the myth of the weapon-carrying god of love, Cupid, a child of the gods of love and war, conveys about the pleasures and dangers of desire.
In reprioritizing public health, the U.S. limited its ability to respond quickly and effectively to the pandemic. Anton Petrus/Moment via Getty Images

The US was not prepared for a pandemic – free market capitalism and government deregulation may be to blame

While neoliberalism has allowed U.S. markets to grow, the resultant stunted public health system left Americans to figure out how to protect themselves from COVID-19 and its fallout on their own.
As they grow older, girls increasingly see political leadership as a “man’s world.” Bos, Angie et al

Girls learn early that they don’t have much of a place in politics

As young children learn about politics and political figures, they internalize the idea that politics is a man’s world, which ultimately means political representation is heavily skewed toward men.
Colin Powell, ici au Pentagone en compagnie du secrétaire d'État à la défense et futur vice-président Dick Cheney en 1989 lors d'une conférence de presse sur l'intervention américaine au Panama, fut à la fois un haut gradé de l'armée multi-décoré et un responsable politique de premier plan au sein de l'administration de George W. Bush. Bob Pearson/AFP

Colin Powell ou la dualité d’un destin américain

Colin Powell, par sa carrière militaire et politique, fut un pionnier pour les Afro-Américains. Mais plus qu’un symbole d’intégration, il était celui de la complexité de l’identité noire américaine.
America’s political leaders rushed the nation into war just weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, just like ancient Greeks and Romans did in response to similar traumatic events. David Hume Kennerly/Getty Images

At the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, ancient Greece and Rome can tell us a lot about the links between collective trauma and going to war

Ancient Athenians and Romans also let shared mass tragedies propel justifications for going to war – even when it wasn’t clear what that violence would solve.
Most Wiccans in the U.S. practice alone, though they congregate in large gatherings to conduct rituals and learn from one another. Sarah Swinford/EyeEm via Getty Images

What is Wicca? An expert on modern witchcraft explains.

Interest in Wicca and witchcraft appears to be increasing, but what exactly is Wicca in the first place?


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