Headlines — 11/26/17

The Daily Stormer is now being hosted by Hong Kong, a Breitbart writer’s racist Facebook group is exposed, the alt-right experiences a steep decline under President Trump, and more.

Newsweek – American Neo-Nazi website linked to praise of terrorism finds safe space in Hong Kong.
Hope Not Hate – Breitbart writer’s secret Facebook group is filled with Holocaust jokes, anti-Semitic conspiracies, Nazi posts and sick comments aimed at Jo Cox.
Salon – Under Trump, the alt-right experiences a rapid rise and sudden drop.
Vox – Trump’s media supporters want a win on racial issues, but his tweets on the UCLA scandal aren’t helping.
The Atlantic – The banality of white nationalism.
Mic – 5 African-American churches in the same New Jersey county were vandalized in the same evening.
Think Progress – Trump recommends reading this insane website.
AlterNet – Exposing the shocking and continuing alliance between Zionism and anti-Semitism.
Mondoweiss – African refugees — how dare you invade the Jewish state?
The Intercept – Europe’s plan to close its sea borders relies on Libya’s coast guard doing its dirty work, abusing migrants.
The Nation – The Trump administration strips residency protections for 50,000 Haitians.
The Washington Post – Anti-Semitic graffiti found in D.C. park on Thanksgiving morning.

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