Lauren Witzke Claims Equality Act Will ‘Make Christianity A Crime’

On the July 1, 2021 episode of The Alex Jones Show, racist dingbat Lauren Witzke falsely claimed that the proposed Equality Act would “make Christianity a crime” during a rant about her Wells Fargo account being shut down. Witzke also made a number of other false claims, including that pastors would be forced to perform same-sex weddings.

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Lauren Witzke Smears LGBTQ People As Mentally Ill On Antisemitic ‘TruNews’ Show

On the latest episode of TruNews, white nationalist and failed Republican senate candidate Lauren Witzke repeated decades-old anti-LGBTQ tropes during a tirade about California gubernatorial candidate Caitlyn Jenner. Witzke falsely claimed that LGBTQ people are sexual predators who suffer from a “mental illness.”

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Ray Blanchard Peddles Discredited ‘Autogynephilia’ Theory On White Supremacist YouTube Show

In late Feb. sexologist Ray Blanchard made a guest appearance on a YouTube show hosted by Edward Dutton, a white supremacist anthropologist who also goes by the moniker “The Jolly Heretic.” Blanchard promoted discredited theories about transgender people — particularly trans women — and implied that it is acceptable to ask transgender people about their genitalia.

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Roosh Valizadeh Complains About The Number Of Jewish Nominees For Biden’s Cabinet

During the 60th episode of Roosh Hour, former pickup artist Roosh Valizadeh ranted about the number of Jewish nominees for Joe Biden’s cabinet. In the past Valizadeh praised The Culture of Critique — a book by antisemitic retired academic Kevin MacDonald — and claimed that Jews created Bratz dolls to groom children.

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‘Orwell & Goode’ Unmasked: National File Writer Is White Nationalist Living In South America

For years the pseudonymous “Orwell & Goode” has operated one of the most popular Twitter accounts associated with the racist “alt-right.” A prolific Twitter user, Orwell had amassed over 125,000 followers by spreading screenshots of headlines from mainstream news outlets designed to engender a sense of disgust for feminism, racial equality, and LGBTQ rights.

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Congressional Candidate Who Claims White People Are ‘Being Replaced By Third World Peasants’ Attracts Attention Of VDARE

Updated | Although he appears to have only a modest following online, congressional candidate Peter D’Abrosca has attracted the attention of the website VDARE for his anti-immigrant rhetoric. Continue reading “Congressional Candidate Who Claims White People Are ‘Being Replaced By Third World Peasants’ Attracts Attention Of VDARE”