Weekly Top Ten

Wonkette's Top 10 Is Eating Tiny Cakes We Like

You come read your top 10 stories right now!

Good morning catlovers and gardeners and daydrinkers and ... nope, that's all of you. Achtung and LET'S GO!

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Weekly Top Ten

Wonkette's Top 10 Is Full Of Fabulous Celebrities!

Except Caitlyn Jenner, who is not that much of a celebrity.

Good morning, come in, Wonkette's Top 10 stories this week are filled with fabulous celebrities. Some of them are Ted Nugent. Some of them are Jim Caviezel. None of them are Caitlyn Jenner, who couldn't even make our top 10 this week, let alone win the California recall of Governor Gavin Newsom. Nobody likes her. It's very sad. TOP TEN TIME!

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Weekly Top Ten

Wonkette's Top 10 Is Bottomlessly Assh*lish!


Good morning, bienvenue, wallcome to your Saturday morning Wonkette's Top 10! We are up early and hurrying through Top 10 because TODAY we are driving the 50 miles to TOWN to go to a GARAGE SALE! Is it not the most exciting thing you have heard yet this morning? It is for the girls! I am in the market for colored glass jars. Did you know I used to be a nightlife columnist, with bars and concerts and rock stars and clubs and restaurants and my tits on a plate? (That is what we called my pushup bra. It was magenta.) Anyway, colored glass jars, maybe another set of canisters for flour and ... barley? Sure, barley. Fucking middle age, dude. Ha ... ha?

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Weekly Top Ten

Wonkette's Weekly Top 10 Is Washing Its Hair!

You come read your top 10 stories right now!

Good morning and happy Holy Saturday to you! What are you all doing for Holy Saturday? Something with cats? No shit. Okay, enough chit chat, time for Top 10!

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