
Europe All Like: We Love You Joe Biden Who Is Not Trump, You're Our Only Hope!

Yes, this is another Ukraine War update.

President Joe Biden was in Brussels, Belgium yesterday to meet with America's European allies, and got a very warm welcome from European Council President Charles Michel, who said Biden's presence and participation in the meeting "is a very strong signal" of unity among the allies:

"We are very pleased, dear President, dear Joe, to welcome you again in Brussels,” European Council president Charles Michel of Belgium told President Joe Biden today. “Your presence here and your participation in this European Council meeting is a very strong signal.”

Translation: "Oh Joe Biden, lover of us, nice savior man who is not Trump, oh thank fucking GOD that you are here!" [Heather Cox Richardson]

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State Department Warns Ukraine Crisis Could Continue Beyond US Attention Span

Your Ukraine War update.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been going on for a month, and as Ukrainian cities keep getting hammered by Russian attacks, President Joe Biden is in Europe for a series of emergency meetings with US allies to discuss imposing more sanctions on Russia and providing military aid to Ukraine. Biden will announce new US sanctions on "more than 400 Russians and Russian entities, including the Duma and more than 300 of its members, along with more than 40 defense companies," according to one of those "senior administration officials" we always hear from. [NBC News]

In addition, the White House announced today the US will welcome up to 100,000 Ukrainian refugees, with an emphasis on helping the most vulnerable, NBC News reports:

The administration will allow their entry through a range of pathways, including the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, nonimmigrant and immigrant visas, and other means. There will also be a focus on welcoming Ukrainians who have family members in the U.S. Additional details are expected to be unveiled in the coming weeks.

The administration believes most Ukrainians displaced by the war will choose to remain in Europe so they can more readily return home when it's over, depending on the outcome. The UN estimates that out of a population of 43 million, 3.6 million people have fled Ukraine for other countries, and another 6.5 million Ukrainians displaced from their homes are taking refuge elsewhere inside Ukraine. [NBC News / BBC]

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Biden Does Brussels: A Press Conference!

Live on WonkTV!

In case you haven't heard, President Joe Biden has been in Brussels meeting with NATO allies about Russia's illegal war against Ukraine. This afternoon, which is evening in Brussels, he's doing a press conference. Pretty sure we're going to hear about some new sanctions.

And you're watchin' it!

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History Facts

Was Ukraine Born In 1989 Or Did Obama Invent It? Candace Owens And Marjorie Taylor Greene Debate History!

Who wins? Putin.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Candace Owens know Kremlin conspiracy theories totally real history facts about Russia and Ukraine. But who knows Kremlin conspiracy theories totally real history facts about Russia and Ukraine better? That is what we are here to find out.

Who will win the grand prize of one billion Russian rubles ($1.14 USD)?

First up, we have Candace Owens, last seen here telling everyone that what's ACTUALLY going on in Ukraine is literally whatever Vladimir Putin says it is, and that this is all America's fault, citing Putin's February speech at the UN Security Council.

Today she's here to tell us she's been nosing around the "history" books in Putin's study and learned that "Ukraine" wasn't even a thing before 1989. Wait, where have we heard that? Was it when Putin started aiming his missiles at Ukrainian babies while explaining that Ukraine was a "fiction"? Perhaps.

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