Joe Biden Stops Buying Only Thing Russia's Selling

How long until the gas station is closed?

The late John McCain once famously said Russia was merely a "gas station masquerading as a country." What happens when people decide not to fill 'er up no more?

President Joe Biden announced this morning that America would be banning all imports of oil and natural gas from Russia. So according to our back-of-the-napkin math, if there was one thing Russia made that was worth buying, and we stopped buying that ... carry the two ...

You may watch his announcement here:

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2022 midterms

Hey Look! Joe Manchin's Holding A Football!

Good grief!

When Sen. Joe Manchin says “Here’s the thing. I’ve always been open to talking to people okay? But they just don’t want to hear,” you may want to just run away screaming instead of reading the rest of the Politico article in which the gentleman from West Virginia outlines his ideas for an alternative to Build Back Better that he'd be willing to help pass. Or at least have your running shoes already on and snugly tied while you listen.

In his State of the Union address Tuesday, President Joe Biden called for passage of at least some of the planks in Build Back Better, the sweeping package of climate and social spending programs that Manchin single-handedly killed off last fall, after nearly a year of forcing the ambitious plan to be whittled down from $3.5 trillion over 10 years to $1.7 trillion, to meet various demands from Manchin and from Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Arizona). Shaping legislation to please Joe Manchin didn't work out so great last year, but Manchin insisted that was because the narrowed bill wasn't actually what he'd made clear he wanted anyway.

But with midterms coming, Democrats really are looking for additional legislative wins to run on. That's in addition to last year's big American Rescue Plan that revitalized the pandemic economy and kept millions of Americans whole, and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which is building bridges and highways and, yes, creating jobs. So, as Politico points out, Democrats are listening, cautiously, to what Manchin says he would definitely support in a reconciliation package that could be passed by Democrats alone in the Senate, since some guy insists the filibuster must absolutely be preserved.

So what does Manchin say he wants?

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Joe Biden Has Plans For Rural EV Charging, Probably Because UN Agenda 21 We Bet

The rural jurors are still out.

As part of its plan to destroy America with clean energy that will create jobs, clean the air, and fight global warming — basically a vision of hell — the Biden administration this week rolled out a handy guide to help rural communities join in on the planned nationwide network of electric vehicle charging stations. To that end, the federal Department of Transportation has released a "toolkit" of information and resources aimed at connecting "community members, towns, businesses, planning agencies, and others with partners needed for these projects."

The toolkit is one part of the effort to build up what will eventually be 500,000 EV charging stations, as funded by $7.5 billion in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law passed last fall. That'll be split into two chunks: $4.75 billion to the states, and another $2.5 billion for a competitive grant program. The goal of this here toolkit is to help rural communities figure out how to tap into some of that funding, as well as how to partner with other sources to get EV charging off the ground.

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fox news

Person. Woman. Man. Camera. Trump Hannity Interview.


Former president Donald Trump called in to Sean Hannity's Fox News Lie Jamboree Hour last night, and we suppose the real news is that we managed to watch most of it without even puking once. Yay for us. Lucky you, it's not on YouTube so we will not be embedding the video.

The Great Man was purportedly there to talk about Joe Biden's news conference Wednesday, but honestly, it was just another chance for Trump to repeat the same old lies he always does, with Hannity from time to time jumping in to try to keep Trump on some sort of train of thought. The thing about trains, though — Joe Biden loves trains, I never much cared for them because you have to go where the tracks are and the environmentalists think trains are great, I never understood what they're getting at because in Japan you have those really fast trains, but Amtrak is a mess because the government never does anything right.

Scary how after four years we can all do that.

Trump said he really truly hoped Biden would do well, because America needs to do well, but instead everything is terrible, and also Trump was glad the US is finally out of Afghanistan, although if it had been up to him, we'd have left Afghanistan better and we should have kept Bagram Air Base. Which, if you want to get technical about it, would have meant the US would still be in Afghanistan.

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