National Politics

So Adam Kinzinger Seems Pissed

Fucks left to give: not many.

It sounds like Rep. Adam Kinzinger, one of two Republican members of the House January 6 Select Committee and one of the very few remaining Republicans in Congress with any legitimate claim to sanity or patriotism, is having a bit of a "through with this shit" moment.

We guess the combination of — deep breath for this run-on sentence! — the terrorist attack Donald Trump incited against America and the fact Trump has yet to face any sort of accountability for it, and the genocide and war crimes Trump's best pal Vladimir Putin is inflicting on innocents in Ukraine, and the way Republicans and their media mouthpieces sound more and more like state-run Putin assets every day, and the fact that Trump is literally begging Putin nowfuckingrightnow to give him dirt on his political enemy, who is the president of the United States, plus how Trump can't seem to find one harsh word to say about how upon Putin's orders Ukrainian bodies are getting cold in Ukrainian mass graves, oh and then there's that one smart-mouthed little troll colleague of his who called Volodymyr Zelenskyy a "thug," and ...

Well yeah, all that might get to a person after a while. (Maybe it gets to them so much that they eventually regret voting against voting rights? One step at a time, we suppose.)

Michigan GOP Rep. Fred Upton, who along with Kinzinger was one of the 10 who voted to impeach Donald Trump for that wee terrorist attack he incited, announced his retirement today. We already knew Kinzinger was quitting after November.

Here's Kinzinger. He mad.

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Glenn Greenwald Pretty Sure Putin Winning So Much He's Gonna Get Sick Of Winning

Heckuva job?

We're hearing a lot right now about so-called peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine may be ready to call itself "neutral" and maybe make a couple other concessions, in order to get Russia to stop murdering it. Everybody's pretty skeptical of claims that Russia is really truly pulling back "to increase trust" in the peace talks. Meanwhile, Ukraine is telling its own peace negotiators to make sure not to eat or drink anything or touch any handrails when they meet with the Russians, since it's always likely Russia is in the mood to be poison-y. (There have been reports that Ukrainian negotiators and Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich were poisoned in earlier negotiations.)

But regardless, on day 34, this war is clearly in a different place from where Vladimir Putin and his defenders thought it would be at this point. Hell, even western intelligence thought Kyiv would probably fall to the Russians within the first few days. Ukraine still has Kyiv, and says it's pushing Russians further and further back now.

In terms of where Russia finds itself right now, and what it's given up, this thread David Frum posted today is excellent. Here are just a few of the highlights:

Of course, Putin has lost thousands upon thousands of military personnel, including a number of top commanders, and god knows how much materiel.

Russia had to announce the other day that on second or third thought, it's going to just focus on the eastern sections of Ukraine, and maybe not focus so much on Kyiv or other parts of the country. Oh no, were Putin's eyes bigger than his stomach?

As the New York Times put it:

[T]he statement amounted to the most direct acknowledgment yet that Russia may be unable to take full control of Ukraine and would instead target the Donbas region, where Russia has recognized the independence of two Kremlin-backed separatist areas that it calls the “Donetsk People’s Republic” and the “Luhansk People’s Republic.”

Hard to say anything beyond heckuva job, Putin.

But for Putin apologists like Glenn Greenwald, it's time to rewrite currently ongoing history and say Putin meant to do all of this, because obviously Putin never wanted to conquer Ukraine anyway.

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Trump Begging Putin For Dirt On The Bidens. Yes *Right Now*.

If Trump is running in 2024, then he's right on schedule to start seeking foreign help to steal the election.

Today we have a video of Donald Trump just straight up begging Vladimir Putin to release some dirt on President Joe Biden, in order to hurt President Joe Biden. Yes, we said "today" we have this. This is not a rehash of a story from 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, or 2021. This is right now, while Trump's hero Putin, whom he refers to as a "genius," the guy he was still praising as recently as this weekend, is busy mass-murdering innocents in Ukraine.

What kind of domestic enemy of the United States do you have to be to still be praising Vladimir Putin and begging him for help in hurting the leader of the free world right now? And at what point do we start looking at criminal consequences for seeking to conspire against America with our country's enemies?

Just watch this video.

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Kyiv Mayor's Brother Just Saying Tucker Carlson And Candace Owens Have Blood On Their Hands

So that's not subtle.

Wladimir Klitschko is the brother of Vitali Klitschko, the mayor of Kyiv, Ukraine, and he went on Newsmax yesterday. (The brothers are former world boxing champions, because of course they are.)

Usually we'd imagine a story like this would be going a really strange direction, this being Newsmax. But instead host Eric Bolling asked Klitschko specifically about pro-Russia Americans like Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens, naming them specifically, who for God knows what reason can't seem to bring themselves to side with the good guys here. (We've documented both Carlson's and Owens's extensive spreading of Kremlin propaganda while Vladimir Putin bombs Ukrainian people to smithereens.)

A documentation of Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens's extensive spreading of Kremlin propaganda!

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And Eric Bolling, the Newsmax host, wanted to know from Wladimir Klitschko, the brother of the mayor of Kyiv, what he thinks of Americans like that. And what Klitschko thinks of folks like that is that "if you're passively observing, you're part of this invasion. Blood is on your hands too."

So that wasn't unclear.

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