Narco News


Authentic Journalism for Authentic Democracy *** Periodismo Auténtico para la Democracia Auténtica

Đã tham gia tháng 6 năm 2009


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  1. đã Tweet lại

    DONATE TODAY to the school of authentic journalism and get great portraits taken by me! Also watch my face say things to talk you into it

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  2. đã Tweet lại
    18 thg 2, 2018

    Did you know that the School of Authentic Journalism has a Director of Awesomeness? Her name is Laura Garcia and she has an inspiring video message for you today!

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  3. 18 thg 2, 2018

    Did you know that the School of Authentic Journalism has a Director of Awesomeness? Her name is Laura Garcia and she has an inspiring video message for you today!

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  4. đã Tweet lại
    17 thg 2, 2018
    Đang trả lời

    Just kicked in 70.

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  5. đã Tweet lại
    17 thg 2, 2018
    Tweet này hiện không khả dụng.
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  6. đã Tweet lại

    Get on board, folks. Democracy is at stake!

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  7. 16 thg 2, 2018

    The School of - “Where brilliant ideas converge to light up the world” - READ Graciela Tapia’s testimony here —>

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  8. đã Tweet lại

    Gracia Tapia of the Mexican state of Sinaloa tells the story of how she left her daily newspaper job because her bosses wouldn't give her the time off to attend the school. Read here why she's glad she did it...

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  9. 16 thg 2, 2018

    Graciela Tapia writes for your support for the 2018 School of Authentic Journalism after attending the 2017 school. She's got a great story about that here:

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  10. 15 thg 2, 2018

    If you're just getting home from work don't miss the announcement of the 2018 School of Authentic Journalism's Kickstarter campaign. Get on board, please!

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  11. đã Tweet lại
    15 thg 2, 2018

    Great news. Donation made. This is a great cause. If you can, see your way to donating. Check the school out online. Lots of info on the great work they do. Donate if you can. Every little bit will help this bilingual effort. We need authentic journalism now more than ever.

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  12. đã Tweet lại

    1st person to back the 2018 School of Authentic Journalism!!!!!!! on

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  13. 15 thg 2, 2018

    We've decided to go for a bilingual School of Authentic Journalism this year but need your pledge by March 15 to make it so:

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  14. đã Tweet lại
    31 thg 1, 2018

    Rest in (nonviolent) power Gene Sharp. Your teachings will live on. Thanks to and the School of Authentic Journalism for introducing me to him and many other students and practitioners of nonviolent struggle.

    Tweet này hiện không khả dụng.
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  15. 25 thg 1, 2018

    Wikileaks' Julian Assange Is Accused of Endangering Whistleblowers "Assange threw source ‘under the bus for the benefit of his own ego’"

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  16. đã Tweet lại
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  17. đã Tweet lại
    11 thg 9, 2017

    Actually, inspiration isn't the only thing is taking from me. He also stole my design!

    Hoàn tác
  18. đã Tweet lại
    10 thg 9, 2017
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  19. 19 thg 7, 2017

    Kremlin’s Quid Pro Quo Deal With Trump Camp Comes Into Focus

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  20. đã Tweet lại
    18 thg 7, 2017

    Kremlin’s Quid Pro Quo Deal With Trump Camp Comes Into Focus

    Hoàn tác

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