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Posted by4 months ago

[IP] Catmurais

98% Upvoted
level 1
ModModerator Achievement · 4 mo. ago · Stickied comment

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  • Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"

  • Responses don't have to fulfill every detail

  • See Reality Fiction and Simple Prompts for stricter titles

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level 1
Op · 4 mo. ago

"Make way! It's Nyakura-sama, daughter of the Nyakuza family." Nyasumoto, one of her catmurais purred.

"Don't you fish stealing feli know your place? Bow your snoot!" Nyasamune followed.

"Simmer down you two, I'm just out for a stroll to survey the daifuku and buy some cat nips." Nyakuza hissed. The female feline between them is lithe and tar black, a shadow between the two hulking white furry shoulders.

The street market thronged with colourful vendors hailing from various provinces. Stalls selling boiled shrimp, sugar marinated eels, and snow crabs kabobs filled the small town with a festive mood. Today is the day of the summer festival where the annual sacred harvest ceremony will be held at the Nyakuza shrine. Shrine maidens accompanied by priests will collectively divine the will of the gods and translate guidance and blessings to all who visit with a sly heart.

The province, under her father's governance, has remained wealthy and relatively unscathed from the civil war with the Bakufu. Yet prosperity attracts greed. Many covet the hard earned cat grass the dutiful farmers of the province and great Lord Nyakuza had cultivated and had seek to undermine his seat of power.

"As his daughter, it is important to survey the fiefdom and maintain close contact. The ruler and the ruled must be in close harmony." Nyakura stated-matter-of-factly.

“My Lady, please don't over exert yourself.” nyasumoto grumbled.

“my father tilled this land tirelessly day and night for its prosperity. Showing my face is the least I can do.”

“But you are a noble!" Nyasamune argued, "Your tail and whiskers should only be upon sight of those who are worthy of you in equal stature."

"Have you forgotten how you two were raised?" Nyakura asks, "Had my father not raised you from poverty and humiliation only for you to grow accustomed to become above it?"

The two fell silent.

"The smoked eels you buy today was the result of countless efforts, just as much as the martensite blades you wield in the name of my household."

"We are privileged not because of our innate nature. Rather, we are mere benefactors of our people's individual prosperity."

level 2

Great story, I like your dialogue.

level 2

good story

level 2

O.K., more, damn you. I like this place already.


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Reading and Writing

Created Sep 7, 2010