Facebook Banned The White Nationalist Website VDARE. When Will These Other Companies Follow Suit?

UPDATED 6/18/20 | With ties to the Trump Administration, VDARE is arguably the most influential white nationalist organization in the country. Recently the organization, listed as a white nationalist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, was suspended from Facebook following an investigation into inauthentic behavior ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

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‘I Don’t Think There Is A Political Solution’: Neo-Confederate Leader Moves Closer To Embracing Violence

During the 79th episode of Augustus Invictus’ podcast Guerilla Radio, League of the South president Michael Hill predicted that an armed confrontation between white nationalists and their enemies — including the federal government — is now an inevitability. Continue reading “‘I Don’t Think There Is A Political Solution’: Neo-Confederate Leader Moves Closer To Embracing Violence”

‘Daily Shoah’ Hosts: Republicans Should Have To ‘Hold Their Noses’ And ‘Vote For White Nationalists’ In Order To Win

In the wake of the Democratic Party’s gains in Virginia and Kentucky, the hosts of The Daily Shoah — a white nationalist and antisemitic podcast — claimed that the only way forward is for Republicans to embrace white nationalism. Continue reading “‘Daily Shoah’ Hosts: Republicans Should Have To ‘Hold Their Noses’ And ‘Vote For White Nationalists’ In Order To Win”

White Supremacist Pat Buchanan Warns That When Texas Looks Like California ‘Demographically’ It Will Look Like It ‘Politically’

On the August 20, 2019 episode of The Laura Ingraham Podcast, white supremacist and former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan repeated a racist talking point about immigrants replacing U.S. citizens in order to vote for Democrats. Continue reading “White Supremacist Pat Buchanan Warns That When Texas Looks Like California ‘Demographically’ It Will Look Like It ‘Politically’”

Pat Buchanan Calls Donald Trump ‘The Great White Hope’

In a May 26, 2016 column for VDARE, Pat Buchanan — paleoconservative author, former Special Assistant to Richard Nixon, and Nazi sympathizer — declared Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to be “the Great White Hope” of “our anti-white age.” Continue reading “Pat Buchanan Calls Donald Trump ‘The Great White Hope’”