Headlines — 6/28/20

Jaden McNeil condemned over racist George Floyd tweet, Discord shuts down the largest “boogaloo” server, President Trump denies hearing report on Russian bounties to kill U.S. soldiers, and more.

Right Wing Watch – Kansas State ‘America First Students’ leader condemned for racist comments.
The Daily Beast – Charlottesville Nazis’ lawyers keep dumping them.
Media Matters – Fox host says America is currently experiencing a “race war.”
VICE News – Discord just shut down the biggest ‘boogaloo’ server for inciting violence.
Salon – Tear down the statues of racist traitors — and raise monuments to heroes of Black resistance.
The Root – Last bomber convicted in church killing of 4 Black girls in Birmingham, Alabama has died.
The Nation – The Supreme Court just took a hammer to the asylum process.
HuffPost – Trump says ‘nobody briefed or told me’ about Russian bounties to kill U.S. soldiers.
Politico – Mississippi lawmakers vote to remove rebel emblem from state flag.