The Alt-Right Shows Off Its Artistic Talents With Embarrassing ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ Song

White nationalists aren’t shy about what they consider the achievements of the “white race,” including science and technology, philosophy, and the arts. Continue reading “The Alt-Right Shows Off Its Artistic Talents With Embarrassing ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ Song”

After The Death Of A White Nationalist, The Alt-Right Vows Revenge On Journalists

Recently it was discovered that Andrew Dodson, a 34-year-old white nationalist who attended last year’s “Unite the Right” rally had died in March. Continue reading “After The Death Of A White Nationalist, The Alt-Right Vows Revenge On Journalists”

White Supremacist Troll WildGoose Peddles Junk Science About Pit Bulls On Red Ice TV

On Friday evening’s episode of Red Ice TV, Identity Evropa leader Patrick Casey (filling in for Henrik Palmgren) sat down for an interview with WildGoose, a Gamergater, harasser, and white supremacist who is currently spearheading an anti-pit bull campaign. Continue reading “White Supremacist Troll WildGoose Peddles Junk Science About Pit Bulls On Red Ice TV”

Neo-Nazi Radio Host Suggests Framing Black People For Crimes As A ‘Prank’

On the May 13, 2018 episode of their Third Rail podcast, Spectre and Lauritz von Guildhausen addressed the recent, high-profile incidents in which white people called the police on African-Americans for incredibly petty reasons. Continue reading “Neo-Nazi Radio Host Suggests Framing Black People For Crimes As A ‘Prank’”

White Supremacist Lauren Rose Will Be Jean-François Gariépy’s New Co-Host

After experimenting with several racists and cranks, Canadian alt-right YouTube personality Jean-François Gariépy officially chose a permanent co-host for his news and politics show, The Public Space. Continue reading “White Supremacist Lauren Rose Will Be Jean-François Gariépy’s New Co-Host”

The Alt-Right And The Incel Communities Share A Common Misogynistic Culture

On April 23, 2018, a driver deliberately rammed a rental van into a crowd of people in Toronto’s New York City Centre business district. Continue reading “The Alt-Right And The Incel Communities Share A Common Misogynistic Culture”