Big League Politics Promotes Black Neo-Confederate Who Refers To Slavery As A ‘Blessing’ And Defends The Klan

On August 20, 2018, students at the University of North Carolina finally pulled down “Silent Sam” — a monument to Confederate war dead that was erected in 1913. Continue reading “Big League Politics Promotes Black Neo-Confederate Who Refers To Slavery As A ‘Blessing’ And Defends The Klan”

Charlottesville Radio Host Rob Schilling Gives A Platform To Neo-Confederate Activists

Sometimes it’s difficult for racists to find a platform for their propaganda. This is especially true as of late due to YouTube’s crackdown on racist and conspiratorial content. Continue reading “Charlottesville Radio Host Rob Schilling Gives A Platform To Neo-Confederate Activists”

Paul Nehlen Says He’s Traveling Across The Country And Advising Other ‘America First’ Candidates

Last week white nationalist sympathizer and congressional candidate Paul Nehlen made an appearance on Brittany Pettibone’s Virtue of the West in order to gin up support for his efforts to unseat Rep. Paul Ryan. Nehlen, who’s made appearances on The Right Stuff’s Fash the Nation and InfoWars’ Real News, continued to flog his anti-immigrant and anti-Black Lives Matter agenda.

Continue reading “Paul Nehlen Says He’s Traveling Across The Country And Advising Other ‘America First’ Candidates”

Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Corey Stewart Has Numerous Ties to the Alt-Right

Corey Stewart Alt Right
Everything’s gonna be alt-right.

On June 13, 2017, Virginians will vote to determine who among several candidates will face off in this year’s gubernatorial election in November. Continue reading “Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Corey Stewart Has Numerous Ties to the Alt-Right”